Page 14 - DMEA Week 05 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                               FUELS                                               DMEA

       Botswana’s energy min urges rapid

       finish of Tshele Hills fuel depot

        BOTSWANA         LEFOKO Moagi, Botswana’s Minister of Min-  quoted as saying by Botswana Daily News. “We
                         eral Resources, Green Technology and Energy  really need to be talking time, because the more
       The government wants   Security, has urged the national oil company  we continue to extend, the more the cost esca-
       to establish 60 days’   (NOC) to speed up construction work on a new  lates. It is better to make mistakes along the way
       worth of strategic   fuel storage depot in the Tshele Hills.  than to want to be perfect until we have run out
       reserves.           During a tour of the building site in Tshele  of time.”
                         Hills earlier this week, Moagi described the pro-  Joel Sentsho, BOL’s chairman, responded by
                         ject as crucial for Botswana’s energy security.  saying that his company remained committed to
                         The country must expand its capacity to store  the goal of ensuring the country’s energy secu-
                         petroleum products, since it is dependent on  rity. “The Tshele Hill project is one of the ena-
                         imported supplies, he declared. The need for  blers that will assist us to achieve this mandate,
                         additional storage capacity has become even  and we will do our best to ensure that the project
                         clearer in light of the challenges faced by Botswa-  is delivered successfully,” he commented.
                         na’s main suppliers, he said, referring to refinery   Sentsho also said he was confident that BOL
                         outages in South Africa.             would be able to fulfil the government’s instruc-
                           “As a landlocked country, we get our fuel  tions with respect to establishing strategic
                         supplies from other countries,” he explained. “If  reserves that were large enough to cover at least
                         we continue to see threats from our sources and  60 days’ worth of petroleum product consump-
                         their refineries going down, it is a sign that very  tion. “Ideally as a landlocked country, Botswana
                         soon they are going to be servicing their own  should maintain at least 90 days’ cover,” he stated.
                         first. Therefore, there must be something we are  “Upon completion of the [Tshele Hills] project
                         sure of in terms of our own supply.”  and other planned projects across the country,
                           He also urged Botswana Oil Ltd (BOL) to  including the Francistown Depot expansion and
                         wrap up the project quickly and on schedule.  the Ghanzi Depot development, Botswana will
                         “It is within our scope and control to deliver  reach this objective.” ™
                         this project in the earliest time possible,” he was

       Nigeria reportedly considering rail

       transport for petroleum products

        NIGERIA          A representative of Nigeria’s Department of   Meanwhile, he commented, the country is
                         Petroleum Resources (DPR) said at the week-  not in a position to raise the volume of fuel trans-
      Existing transportation   end that the federal government was considering  ported by road. “[The] government is actually
      routes are inadequate.  proposals for using rail to deliver refined fuels to  looking at some alternatives of moving petro-
                         consumers in some regions.           leum products because our roads are over-bur-
                            According to Ebi Ogiowo, the operation  dened,” he was quoted as saying by Daily Trust.
                         controller of DPR’s Benin field office, officials in  Road tankers already carry about 80-90% of
                         Abuja are looking into this option because exist-  Nigerian fuel shipments, he explained.
                         ing transportation routes are inadequate for var-  Under these conditions, he said, Abuja
                         ious reasons. With respect to pipelines, he told  sees the railways as a viable alternative. “[The]
                         reporters on the sidelines of the department’s  government is investing heavily in rail trans-
                         annual meeting with fuel marketers in Delta and  portation and considering it for movement of
                         Edo states, some of Nigeria’s existing petroleum  petroleum products, and in the next two years,
                         product links are not even functional. Others,  it will see the light of the day. And Nigeria will all
                         meanwhile, have been in operation for 50 years  be better for it, as it will help in reducing the risk
                         and are showing their age, he said.  of moving petroleum products across the nation
                            Still others are not working because they have  through the roads,” he asserted.
                         been sabotaged or damaged, Ogiowo added.   Ogiowo did not say which railways might be
                         Problems of this type have impaired the func-  used to transport petroleum products. Nor did
                         tioning of some fuel storage depots in eastern  he say how many tankers were available or how
                         and northern Nigeria, he noted.      much fuel might be delivered in this fashion. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   04•February•2021
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