Page 5 - DMEA Week 05 2021
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         are home to violent terrorist groups such as  West African countries that have large gas
                         the Islamic State in West Africa (better known  reserves of their own. Senegal and Mauritania,
                         as Boko Haram) and Al Qaeda in the Islamic  for example, have discovered enough gas in
                         Maghreb (AQIM).                      Grand Tortue/Ahmeyim (GTA), a group of off-
                                                              shore blocks that straddles the maritime border
                         NMGP ambitions                       between the two countries, to support an LNG
                         Some years later, Nigerian authorities came out  project. They may lobby for the right to feed their
                         in favour of a different pipeline project – namely,  own production into the NMGP system in the
                         NMGP.                                hope of joining Nigeria and Morocco in export-
                           In December 2016, state-owned Nigerian  ing gas to Europe.
                         National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC) signed   For another, it is almost certain that the $25bn
                         an agreement with its Moroccan counterpart,  cost estimate is too low – despite ECOWAS’ sug-
                         Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines  gestion in late 2020 that Nigeria and Morocco
                         (ONHYM), on the construction of a massive  explore the possibilities for synergy with West
                         system of offshore pipelines connecting every  African Gas Pipeline (WAGP), the operator of an
                         state along Africa’s western coast. It envisioned  existing offshore pipeline network linking Nige-
                         a 5,660-km network capable of pumping Nige-  ria, Benin, Togo and Ghana. There are many fac-
                         rian gas to Benin, Togo, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire,  tors that could drive the final price up, including
                         Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,  but not limited to legal battles with environmen-
                         Gambia, Senegal, Mauritania and Morocco and  tal groups, marine security measures to protect
                         then extending across the Mediterranean into  the NMGP system from piracy, the technical and
                         Spain, thereby enabling exports of West African  logistical difficulties inherent in subsea pipeline
                         gas to Europe.                       construction.
                           Since then, NNPC and ONHYM have made   Meanwhile, there are questions about
                         some progress. They launched a feasibility study  whether gas demand is sufficient to support a   Nigeria and
                         in August 2017 and wrapped it up in January  project of this scale. Currently, Nigeria and other
                         2019, saying they had calculated the price tag for  West African states are still working to recover   Morocco may
                         building the pipeline system in multiple stages  from the damage they sustained as a result of   not be able to
                         over a period of 25 years at $25bn. Also in Jan-  the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which
                         uary 2019, they signed a contract with Penspen  has had a dramatic (and negative) impact on   make a strong
                         (UK) on first-stage front-end engineering and  global energy consumption and pricing. As a
                         design (FEED) work.                  result, they will have to recalibrate their fore- case for spending
                           Later in the same year, the two national oil  casts for future gas demand in the region. Addi-
                         companies (NOCs) presented their plans at a  tionally, European gas consumption is likely to   so much money
                         special meeting of the Economic Community of  decline over the long term as a result of efforts   on such a
                         West African States (ECOWAS). In 2020, they  to reduce net carbon emissions to zero. This
                         moved on to the second stage of FEED work and  means that there may not be room for large vol-  large-scale and
                         continued to seek ECOWAS’ support for the  umes of African gas on the European market in
                         project.                             25 years, especially since European consumers  complex project.
                           And now, as noted above, the leaders of  will already have access to many other supply
                         Morocco and Nigeria have reiterated their sup-  sources.
                         port for NMGP.                         Under these circumstances, NMGP’s chances
                                                              of success do not appear to be high. Certainly,
                         Reasons for doubt                    Nigeria and Morocco could retool their plan,
                         These are all positive signs, but they do not  eliminating the goal of launching pipeline
                         amount to concrete evidence of progress. That  exports to Europe and focusing instead on Afri-
                         is, they don’t demonstrate that NNPC and  can gasification and electrification initiatives of
                         ONHYM are ready to start laying down pipe  the type espoused by the African Energy Cham-
                         – or even to start making plans to lay down  ber (AEC). Even if they did so, however, they
                         pipe.                                might not be able to make a case for spending so
                           There are plenty of good reasons to hesi-  much money on such a large-scale and complex
                         tate. For one thing, Nigeria’s hope of becoming  plan – especially when Nigeria is not the only
                         a major supplier of gas to other states in West  party that can supply gas to West African con-
                         Africa and Europe may not sit well with other  sumers. ™

                                                                                                  ECOWAS has pointed
                                                                                                  to the possible
                                                                                                  benefits of a tie-up
                                                                                                  with the West Africa
                                                                                                  Gas Pipeline (Image:

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