Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 05 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       the first stage will also allow for the flexibility to                   concessions (Araracanga, Arara Azul, Carap-
       supply certain quantities of oil to smaller more                         anaúba, Cupiúba, Leste do Urucu, Rio Urucu,
       local refineries. The proximity to the fields of                         Sudoeste Urucu), all located in the state of Ama-
       these mini refineries will result in lower trans-                        zonas, in the municipalities of Tefé and Coari,
       port costs.                                                              occupying an area of approximately 350 square
         The second stage of the project involving an                           km.
       updated pipeline delivery system is currently                              In the first quarter of 2020, the average pro-
       projected for the end of August. Discussions                             duction was 106,353 boepd, including 16.5mn
       with the relevant third party currently treating                         bpd of oil and condensate, 14.3mn cubic metres
       President’s oil continue with regard to tie in                           per day of gas and 1.13mn tonnes per day of
       facilities circumventing their plant thereby on                          LPG.
       completion of the second stage giving President                            In addition to the concessions and their pro-
       optionality to deliver oil by truck or through its                       duction facilities, oil and natural gas production
       pipeline system.                                                         processing units and logistical facilities to sup-
         Treatment plant funding: As announced on                               port production are included in the transaction.
       December 22, 2020, the project has been funded                           Petrobras, February 01 2021
       by an Argentine peso denominated loan of
       $5mn, meaning that it is repayable in pesos in the                       Petrobras signs contract
       total amount of that currency using the exchange
       rate applicable when the loan was taken out. Due  long, is tailored to the challenges of the Campos   for sale of E&P assets in
       to changes in the peso dollar exchange rate, the  area. The vessel and its exceptional equipment
       amount of the outstanding loan in dollar equiv-  spread maximise subsurface illumination and   Espirito Santo
       alent if it was repaid as at close of business yes-  minimise environmental impact, acquiring the
       terday shows a reduction of $270,000 resulting  targeted coverage faster.  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
       in $4.73mn dollar equivalent as the outstanding   Ramform Titan will continue in the area on  on August 5, 2019, informs that it has signed
       principal sum. Interest paid/accrued to such date  the next phase of this exciting Multiclient pro-  with the companies OP Energia and DBO Ener-
       on the loan is approximately $160,000 giving a  gramme, which will deliver multi-azimuth illu-  gia a contract for the sale of its equity in the pro-
       positive differential of over $100,000 since the  mination (MAZ) of presalt targets.  ducing fields of Peroá and Cangoá, and in the
       loan was taken out in late December.   This project combines the latest PGS acquisi-  concession BM-ES-21 (Malombe Discovery
         Market consensus is that a similar progres-  tion and imaging innovations with rejuvenated  Evaluation Plan), jointly named Peroá Cluster,
       sion in exchange rates will continue though this  library data in the Campos Basin to deliver  located in the Espírito Santo Basin. OP Energia
       year.                               improved imaging and understanding in a key  and DBO Energia will form a consortium to
         Peter Levine, Chairman, commented: “Every  exploration hotspot. The data covers acreage for  acquire the Peroá Cluster, with a 50% stake each,
       little [bit] helps. With concentration this year in  multiple Brazil licensing rounds. When com-  with the first company as operator.
       Argentina on expanding production of gas in  pleted, the Campos Deepwater GeoStreamer X   The sale value is $55mn, being (a) $5mn paid
       Rio Negro and oil in Salta, it is very important  survey will cover approximately 17,100 square  at the present date; (b) $7.5mn at the closing of
       that we get the best value out of our existing oil  km.                  the transaction and (c) $42.5mn in contingent
       production in Rio Negro.”           PGS, February 01 2021                payments foreseen in contract, related to fac-
       President Energy, February 03 2021                                       tors as commerciality declaration of Malombe,
                                                                                future oil prices and extension of the concessions
                                           INVESTMENT                           term. The amounts do not consider due adjust-
       SERVICES                                                                 ments until the closing of the transaction, which
                                                                                is subject to the fulfillment of previous condi-
       PGS completes                       Petrobras receives binding           tions, such as approval by the National Agency
                                           proposals for divestment
                                                                                of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).
       GeoStreamer acquisition             of Urucu Cluster                     and Cangoá fields, located in shallow waters,
                                                                                  Petrobras holds 100% interest in the Peroá
       on 17th Round Blocks                Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  658,000 cubic metres per day of non-associated
                                                                                whose average production in 2020 was around
       in Campos Basin                     on December 7, 2020, has received binding pro-  gas, and 100% interest in the BM-ES-21 explor-
                                           posals for the sale of its entire stake in a set of  atory block, located in deep waters, where the
       Ramform Titan has surveyed additional open  seven onshore production concessions, called  Malombe discovery is located.
       acreage to complete PGS coverage of the emerg-  Urucu Cluster, located in the Solimoes Basin,   OP Energia is a wholly owned subsidiary
       ing plays of the outboard Campos Basin. This  in the state of Amazonas, and it has begun the  of 3R Petroleum Óleo e Gás, a company listed
       survey provides the first 3D seismic for Brazil’s  negotiation phase of the terms and conditions  on the Novo Mercado of the Brazilian Stock
       17th Round, scheduled for October 2021. Fast-  for the potential sale with Eneva.  Exchange, whose strategy is to revitalise mature
       track anisotropic (TTI) PSDM products for the   The signing of the sale contracts is subject to  onshore and offshore fields.
       additional acreage will be available in July.  the success of the negotiations, which involve   DBO Energia is an upstream oil and gas com-
         Ramform Titan began towing the largest  commercial and contractual aspects of the trans-  pany with focus on increasing the recovery factor
       spread ever offshore Brazil in June 2020 and  action to be approved by the decision-making  and efficiency of mature fields in Brazil applying
       returned to Campos in December. The acquisi-  bodies of both parties.    expertise and technology from the North Sea.
       tion configuration, with 14 streamers each 10 km   The Urucu Polo comprises seven production   Petrobras, February 01 2021

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   04•February•2021
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