Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 22
P. 16

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       EOG, Parsley cautiously bring

       shale wells back online

        US               AS West Texas Intermediate (WTI) prices stay  shale players throughout the rest of the year,” he
                         relatively stable and rise above $36 per barrel, a  said. “Starting to drill in the high $30s? I’m not
                         couple of stronger shale drillers are indicating  sure I see that.”
                         that they will bring some of the production they   Parsley, meanwhile, said in its own inves-
                         shut in back online.                 tor presentation that it would restore the “vast
                           This comes after the shale industry, which  majority” of the 26,000 bpd it took offline in
                         can respond quickly to changes in market con-  May. However, the company appears to be pro-
                         ditions, cut output immediately following the  ceeding with caution and not taking on any new
                         collapse of crude prices in March. US produc-  drilling.
                         tion has fallen by around 13% since then, with   “We are not putting new capital to work,”
                         shale accounting for the bulk of the decline.  Parsley’s CEO, Matt Gallagher, was quoted by
                         Shale can be brought back online just as quickly  Bloomberg as saying. “Our drilling and frack
                         if prices start to rise, and there are now signs of  operations remain suspended as we evaluate
                         this happening.                      market fundamentals.”
                           News came this week that EOG Resources   Shale drillers have been blamed in the past for
                         and Parsley Energy are planning to ramp pro-  keeping crude prices depressed by ramping up
                         duction back up, while drillers in the Bakken  production as soon as it becomes profitable to
                         play are also reducing the rate of shut-ins.  do so. The fact that this could happen again has
                           EOG’s executive vice-president of explora-  been a cause for concern among other oil-pro-  Shale can be
                         tion and production, Ken Boedeker, said in an  ducing countries that are weighing further sup-
                         investor presentation that his company would  ply cuts but do not want shale producers to step   brought back
                         bring back output in the second half of this year  in to make up the shortfall. However, many agree
                         after taking around a quarter of it – or 125,000  that the shale industry will have to be more cau-  online just as
                         barrels per day (bpd) – offline in May.  tious this time, given its reduced access to capital,
                           EOG’s strategy “is to really accelerate our  and the fact that a further drop in the oil price  quickly if prices
                         production into what we see as a price recovery  will hurt it too. Shut-in production may thus   start to rise.
                         in the second half of the year”, Boedeker said.  be cautiously ramped up again, but the drilling
                         In a further sign of confidence in this recovery,  and completion of new wells may be slower to
                         the company recently reduced its hedge posi-  resume.
                         tion, eliminating some protection against lower   According to Bloomberg, shut-ins in the
                         prices.                              Bakken totalled 475,000 bpd as of May 28, which
                           EOG – the US’ largest shale-focused pro-  is about 7% less than had been shut in around
                         ducer – now appears to be betting that it is better  mid-May. And Coras Research was cited as sug-
                         positioned than many other companies to bring  gesting the number of active completions crews
                         back shut-in output at this price level. Boedeker  had bottomed out at around 80 fleets, and more
                         said other companies would struggle to find the  work was lined up for them in the coming 3-6
                         cash for drilling new wells, and oil supply would  months.
                         still be reduced over the short and medium term   Coras projects that up to 50 frack crews
                         as a result.                         could be added by the end of the year, with that
                           “We see very little capital flowing into the  number doubling if oil prices move closer to $40
                         industry and we see higher declines from all the  per barrel.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   04•June•2020
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