Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 27
P. 19

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       CEO and Chairman Wes Edens remarked: “Our
       flexibility to opportunistically purchase LNG
       at market prices completes our transition from
       a development company to an operating com-
       pany that we expect will generate significant
       operating margin and cash flow. We continue to
       advance a number of compelling new business
       opportunities and expect significant growth in
       2020 and beyond. In spite of the current COVID
       conditions, we have a very robust pipeline of
       additional projects. Our current goal is to bring
       online another four to eight projects in 2021 of
       similar size and scale. We look forward to bring-
       ing more affordable and cleaner natural gas and
       power to our customers this year.”
       New Fortress Energy, July 06 2020

       Golar Power partners with
       Galileo and introduces

       Bio-LNG in Brazil                   partnership with BR Distribuidora is expected  place in July.

       Golar Power announces today that it has signed  to place us in a unique position to reliably serve   Petrobras, July 08 2020
       an agreement with Galileo Technologies for  customers throughout Brazil. The economics of
       the provision of LNG liquefaction solutions to  this business are solid and represent a unique
       support the development of its small-scale LNG  showcase for what could be replicated world-  INVESTMENT
       distribution initiatives. The agreement between  wide. With increasing focus on CO2 emissions
       the two companies includes the introduction of a  and carbon taxes, the opportunity to produce   Petrobras begins binding
       new clean fuel source through the production of  and distribute Bio Methane from landfills has
       Biomethane Liquefied Natural Gas (Bio-LNG).  the potential to be a significant global growth   phase of NTS stake sale
         The initial order involves the provision of two  market in the years to come.”
       LNG production clusters. The first cluster con-  Golar Power, July 06 2020  Petrobras, following up on the press release dis-
       templates two LNG production units capable                               closed on May 15, 2020, announces the begin-
       of producing 30 tonnes per day of LNG from a                             ning of the binding phase regarding the sale of its
       mature gas field in the Brazilian state of Bahia.  DECOMMISSIONING       10% remaining stake in Nova Transportadora do
       The second cluster will be installed in the state                        Sudeste (NTS). Potential buyers qualified for this
       of Sao Paulo, where it will capture and liquefy   Petrobras announces    phase will receive a process letter with detailed
       biomethane from landfills. This cluster will have                        instructions on the divestment process, includ-
       an initial production capacity of up to 15 tonnes   decommissioning plans  ing guidelines for due diligence and the submis-
       of Bio-LNG per day. Operations are expected to                           sion of binding proposals.
       start in 2020.                      Petrobras has announced that, after approval   NTS is a company that operates in the natu-
         Golar Power is tapping new biomethane  by the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural  ral gas transportation sector, currently holding
       sources to increase the share of local LNG pro-  Gas and Biofuels (ANP), the Brazilian Institute  long-term authorisations to operate and manage
       duction and to accelerate the energy transition  for the Environment and Renewable Natural  a pipeline system of about 2,000 km and with
       toward a cleaner energy chain with a lower car-  Resources (IBAMA) and the Navy, it started  capacity to transport 158.2mn cubic metres per
       bon footprint. It also continues to innovate with  decommissioning the P-12 platform in the Cam-  day of natural gas.
       the development of proprietary technologies  pos Basin. Decommissioning of P-07 and P-15 in   The NTS pipelines are located in the states
       for LNG truck loading stations as well as LNG  the Campos Basin and of FPSO Piranema in the  of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and São Paulo
       filling solutions using Ship-to-ISO-containers,  Sergipe-Alagoas Basin are also planned for 2020.  (responsible for 50% of natural gas consumption
       that once distributed through the road network,   According to the company’s strategic plan  in Brazil) and are connected to the Brasil-Bolivia
       will deliver LNG to feed power stations, natural  for 2020-2024, 18 production platforms will be  pipeline, to the TAG transportation network, to
       gas distribution companies, industries, as well as  decommissioned by 2024.  the Baía de Guanabara LNG regasification ter-
       light and heavy vehicles.              The decommissioning of the platforms will  minal and to the processing plants of natural gas
         Eduardo Antonello, Golar Power CEO, com-  be carried out in accordance with the best global  produced in the Campos Basin and in the Santos
       mented: “The agreement with Galileo further  practices. In partnership with other companies  Basin pre-salt.
       expands Golar Power’s participation in the LNG  and with the scientific community, methodolo-  The other partners of NTS are the Nova
       chain. It is also a first step toward the devel-  gies that allow the identification of the alternative  Infraestrutura Fundo de Investimentos em
       opment of new domestic LNG sources in the  that best balances safety, environment, technical,  Participações, an investment fund managed by
       Brazilian market. The combination of our stra-  social and economic aspects were developed.  Brookfield Brasil Asset Management Investi-
       tegically located import and regasification termi-  The P-07, P-12 and P-15 platforms will be  mentos, with 82.35% and Itaúsa with 7.65%.
       nals and extensive distribution network via the  offered at a public auction scheduled to take   Petrobras, July 03 2020

       Week 27   09•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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