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July 27, 2018
Death in Vinnytsia
Graham Stack in Vinnytsia
A political corruption scandal revealed by bne In- telliNews in 2017 has erupted into a potent threat to Ukraine’s Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman. Groysman’s protegé, Miroslav Prodan, the head of Ukraine’s State Fiscal Service, is the highest target of a criminal investigation into massive customs fraud and bribery in Groysman’s home region of Vinnytsia.
Turkey approves
security law to replace emergency rule amid ugly scenes in parliament
Akin Nazli in Belgrade
A security law granting broader authority to local governors, extended detention periods and powers to dismiss public servants was approved in the Turkish parliament on July 25. The two-year-
old state of emergency imposed after the foiled 2016 coup was brought to an end at midnight on
A raid on an apartment in Vinnytsia revealed envelopes containing thousands of dollars of bribes from firms pencilled on them: TOV Nord-Vest (pictured) and TOV Skrairem.
bne IntelliNews enquiries suggest the unfolding drama may have already claimed its first victim — a shadowy figure who knew the financial secrets of top powerbrokers in Ukraine.
As criminal investigators arrived at the door of
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Former footballer Alpay Ozalan (right side) is reportedly seen threatening respected former journalist Ahmet Sik, warning "I have my eyes on you" while Sik delivers his speech at parliament's rostrum (left side). Ozalan was famous for his man-marking skills in football.
July 18 but the new security law has extended emergency powers on a permanent basis, leading critics to ask whether the emergency regime is truly over.
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