Page 16 - AsianOil Week 01 2021
P. 16

AsianOil                                            NRG                                              AsianOil

                         These firms will now be able to proceed to the  of Quitunda, where Total is relocating commu-
                         final stage of the contest, he said.  nities as it builds export facilities and other infra-
                           Osu did not name any of the shortlisted bidders  structure. It was repelled by government forces.
                         or say when the department hoped to wrap up the   The fighting is the closest yet to Total’s con-
                         licensing round. He stressed, though, that the bidding  struction camp and the first attack to happen
                         process was “still ongoing in line with our published  within the Mozambique LNG concession area.
                         timelines on [the] DPR website and bid portal.”  It occurred under 1 km from an airstrip that the
                           In Angola, the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels  company has built to serve the project.
                         Agency (ANPG) has set a date for the launch of a   In other news, the board of Saudi petrochem-
                         licensing round covering nine blocks in the Lower  icals giant SABIC has backed the issue of $1.2bn
                         Congo Basin and the Kwanza Basin. The contest  in dividends from earnings in the second half of
                         had originally been due to take place in May 2020,  2020. The move comes after the company, which
                         but the agency has now committed to a start date  was bought by national oil producer Saudi Ara-
                         of April 30, 2021. It will accept offers until June 9,  mco last summer, returned to profit in the three
                         2021, and all participating firms must be prepared  months ending September 30, 2020, after incur-
                         to meet “[as] a mandatory condition of participa-  ring three straight quarterly losses.
                         tion the payment of an entry fee in the amount of   Meanwhile in Nigeria, Waltersmith Petro-
                         $1mn, which will allow access to the data pack-  man Oil has secured 2,000-4,000 barrels per day
                         ages related to the basins to bid,” ANPG said in a  (bpd) in oil supplies for its modular refinery in
                         statement.                           Imo State under a deal with Seplat Petroleum.
                           In other news, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Mines and  The oil will be sourced from the Ohaja South
                         Petroleum has announced plans to exit the con-  field at the OML53 permit.
                         tract it signed with US-based GreenComm Tech-  Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari
                         nologies last April for the construction of a new  launched the 5,000 bpd Waltersmith refinery in
                         gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant in the Somali region.  late November. The facility also receives oil from
                         A ministry official confirmed earlier this week  Waltersmith’s own Ibigwe marginal oilfield.
                         that the $3.6bn deal was being cancelled because
                         GreenComm had grossly misrepresented its tech-  If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         nical and financial capabilities.    the downstream sector of Africa and the Middle East,
                                                              then please click here for NewsBase’s DMEA Monitor.
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         Africa’s oil and gas sector then please click here for   EurOil: Europe gains import options
                         NewsBase’s AfrOil Monitor.           Southeast Europe started importing natural gas
                                                              from two new sources at the start of this year,
                         DMEA: Mozambique militancy on the rise  cutting into the market share of Russia’s Gaz-
                         France’s Total has withdrawn workers from  prom, the region’s main supplier.
                         Mozambique LNG, following an attack by sus-  BP announced late on December 31 that the
                         pected Islamists within the $20bn export pro-  Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) pipeline network
                         ject’s concession area.              was now fully operational. SGC consists of three
                           Militants with suspected links to Islamic State  pipelines that run from Azerbaijan through the
                         have been battling government forces in north-  South Caucasus and Turkey and into Southeast
                         ern Mozambique for three years, with attacks  Europe, carrying gas from the offshore BP-oper-
                         having grown more frequent over the past year.  ated Shah Deniz 2 (SD2) field. Construction of
                         The latest assault on January 1 was on the village  the corridor’s last section, the 10bn cubic metre

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 01   07•January•2021
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