Page 48 - RusRPTAug22
P. 48
In terms of media consumption groups:
among those who consider themselves to be active TV viewers, 81% rather support the “special operation” (the share of those who rather oppose it is 11%);
among active Internet users, the number of CBO supporters decreases to 45% (the share of those who are rather against is 33%).
In the context of self-assessment of the financial situation:
among those who assess their financial situation as good, 15% do not support the SVO, 75% support it;
as an average - do not support 17%, support 71%;
as bad - do not support 22%, support 61%.
To the question “How do you generally feel about the special military operation in Ukraine?”:
68% of the respondents answered “rather positively” - and this is the highest percentage that has been achieved for the entire period of VTsIOM polls since February;
18% of those polled are “rather negative” about the war - the lowest percentage since February, when the figure was 27%;
the answer “rather indifferent” was chosen by 5% of respondents;
9% found it difficult to answer.
In the youngest group of respondents, the answers to these questions were evenly distributed: 37% to 37%, and 12% reported their indifference. In the 25-34 age group, the ratio was 33% to 45%, and the proportion of those indifferent to the war was 11%.
the least support for SVO is in the age group of 18–24 years: 37% rather do not support it, 38% rather support it;
in the group of 25–34 years old, these are 26% and 50%, respectively; 35-44 years old - 18% and 72%;
45-59 years old - 12% and 79%; 60 years and older - 9% and 84%.
48 RUSSIA Country Report October 2020