Page 8 - DMEA Week 02 2021
P. 8

DMEA                          NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                          DMEA

       NRG: Pushing ahead with plans

       Companies and countries alike are taking steps forward with various oil and gas
       plans, though some continue to tread carefully in uncertain market conditions

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to the latest edition of NewsBase’s   Last week, Senegal’s government reported that
                         Roundup Global (NRG), in which our team of  BP and Kosmos Energy were on track to begin
                         international editors provide you with a snap-  extracting natural gas from the Grand Tortue/
                         shot of some of the key issues affecting their  Ahmeyim (GTA) block in 2023, which extends
                         regional beats. Get the NRG Oil & Gas Editor’s  into the maritime zone of neighbouring Maurita-
                         Picks to your inbox every week for free. Just sign  nia. Oil Minister Sophie Gladima told Bloomberg
                         up here.                             that the field would help Dakar support gas-to-
                           There were signs of progress on various oil and  power projects and other economic development
                         gas plans around the world in recent days, while oil  efforts. She also stressed that Senegal did not intend
                         prices rose, buoyed by Saudi Arabia’s pledge to cut  to use its newly discovered hydrocarbon resources
                         production by 1mn barrels per day (bpd) above its  to gain entry to OPEC or other international indus-
                         current quota in February and March.  try organisations.
                           Progress on new production projects has been   Gladima’s comments came shortly after FAR
                         reported by countries such as Senegal. Meanwhile,  Ltd (Australia), a member of the joint venture that
                         two companies have pledged to work together to  is developing Senegal’s offshore Sangomar block,
                         promote, identify and develop new opportunities  revealed that it was pushing the date of a share-
                         in Bolivia’s hydrocarbon and renewable energy sec-  holders meeting back by four weeks to February
                         tors. Iran is also on a drive to raise its production,  18. FAR’s shareholders are due to discuss the com-
                         and has committed nearly $3bn to the endeavour.  pany’s plans to sell its minority stake in the RSSD
                           In North America, however, shale drillers have  joint venture to operator Woodside Energy (Aus-
                         said they will proceed with caution regardless of  tralia) at the meeting, but they need more time to
                         higher oil prices, calling for restraint in order to help  discuss a takeover bid by Remus Horizons, a pri-
                         bring about a more lasting oil recovery.  vate investment fund. Remus’ bid of AUD209.6mn
                                                              ($161.6mn) for 100% of FAR is contingent on the
                         Africa: Senegal heading for 2023     latter company’s retention of the RSSD stake within
                         Looking ahead, 2023 is set to be a pivotal year  its portfolio.
                         for Senegal, which will see two major offshore   Both GTA and Sangomar were originally
                         blocks begin production at that time.  due to start production in 2022. However, the

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