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     Additionally, experts predict that the energy crisis will have an impact on the food options available at the grocery stores. The Institute of Agrarian Economics predicts that further power outages will lead to a reduction in the supply of beef and pork. However, since the domestic production of poultry exceeds consumption, there will be no shortage of poultry. The supply of products that are less dependent on electricity, such as sugar, cereals, and potatoes, will remain stable.
Experts note that along with changes in the supply of food products within the market, the purchasing power of the majority of Ukrainians has also decreased. Therefore, people will choose the most affordable of the available options. Lastly, economists generally agree that the food industry needs state support, including the priority supply of electricity to food producers.
Russian occupiers have stolen more than $1B worth of grain. According to Bloomberg, Ukraine lost at least $1B of its wheat harvest due to the Russian occupation. It is noted that an analysis of NASA Harvest satellite images shows that almost six million tons of wheat were harvested in Ukrainian territories temporarily occupied by Russia. However, researchers note that it is difficult to trace the destination of this harvested grain. It is known that Russia has been exporting grain by sea, which was probably taken from the occupied territories to countries such as Libya and Iran. But it is difficult to estimate the volume of these exports since the cargo's origin is hidden or falsified. At the official level, Russia denies the theft of grain from Ukraine, but there is an open declaration of grain transportation through occupied Ukrainian ports. According to a KSE estimate, $1.87B worth of agricultural products have been destroyed or stolen since the Russian invasion. This amount includes 2.8 million tons of grain and 1.2 million tons of oil crops.
Russia has stolen, destroyed $1.9bn worth of agricultural products in Ukraine. The estimated 2.8mn metric tonnes of grain and 1.2mn tonnes of oil seeds were destroyed or stolen because of Russia’s war against Ukraine, according to the Center for Food and Land Use Research of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE).
Environmental watchdog estimates damage to land resources from Russia's war at over $12bn. Due to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, over 291mn square metres of land in the country have been polluted, and over 8bn square metres have been littered, Ukraine's State Environmental Inspectorate reported on December 5.
   57 UKRAINE Country Report January 2023

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