Page 17 - AfrOil Week 47
P. 17

AfrOil                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                             AfrOil

                                             The Ntorya section of the block may hold more than 21 bcm of gas (Image: Aminex)

                         The shareholders have already drawn up the   raised its stake in the block from 25% to 75% last
                         work programme and budget needed to launch   month and also assumed operatorship through
                         the programme “in the second and third quarter   the completion of a farm-in deal with Ndovu
                         of 2021, to align with the next available opera-  Resources, an affiliate of UK-based Aminex.
                         tional weather window in Tanzania,” it said.  Tom Reynolds, Scirocco’s CEO, expressed
                           Sticking to this schedule will allow the part-  satisfaction with recent developments. “We are
                         ners to gather data ahead of the spudding of the   very encouraged by the progress made by the
                         Chikumbi-1 exploration well in January 2022,   APT team in the short time they have been on
                         Scirocco said. In the meantime, the statement   licence as operator, and the JV is benefiting from
                         noted, the joint venture is ready to begin con-  the significant work already put in by APT prior
                         tracting and procurement operations for the   to formalisation of the farm-in,” he was quoted
                         goods and services needed to execute its drilling   as saying in the statement. “We are wholly sup-
                         programme, including long-lead items (LLIs)   portive of the plan and budget put forward by
                         such as the rig and wellhead. It will also start   APT and have been impressed by the technical
                         carrying out the civil works needed to prepare   capabilities demonstrated thus far. This update
                         the drilling site, it said.          sets out a clear roadmap of intensive operational
                           These exploration plans and work schedules   activity, which will better define the potential of
                         are covered in the revised $22.8mn budget that   what we believe to be a world-class discovery in
                         the joint venture intends to submit to the Tan-  Ntorya.”
                         zanian government, Scirocco said. It also stated   The Ruvuma licence area lies in southern
                         that its share of these budget expenses would be   Tanzania, near the border with Mozambique.
                         $5.7mn, in line with its 25% stake in the project.  Aminex and ARA have already discovered gas
                           All of the remaining equity in Ruvuma is   at Ntorya, a section of the block that may hold
                         owned by ARA Petroleum Tanzania (APT),   as much as 763bn cubic feet (21.607bn cubic
                         an affiliate of ARA Petroleum of Oman. APT   metres) in recoverable reserves. ™

       Week 47   25•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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