Page 17 - AsianOil Week 34
P. 17

AsianOil                                           NRG                                              AsianOil

                         altogether at any point, after Western Australia’s
                         Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and
                         Safety approved Chevron’s plan to stagger the
                         shutdown of the trains. Under this plan, Chev-
                         ron will shut Train 1 in early October and Train
                         3 in January 2021 for inspections and any neces-
                         sary maintenance. The super-major said Train 2
                         remained on track to restart in early September.
                           According to two Singapore-based LNG
                         traders cited by Reuters, Chevron has informed
                         Gorgon customers that it can supply them from
                         the Wheatstone and North West Shelf LNG
                         plants instead while work on the trains is being
                         carried out.
                           In Central America, meanwhile, Sempra
                         Energy may be facing additional hurdles as it
                         attempts to obtain an export permit for its pro-
                         posed Energia Costa Azul project in Mexico.
                         According to an August 21 Reuters report that
                         cited sources familiar with the matter, the Mex-
                         ican government has asked Sempra’s unit in the
                         country, IEnova, to commit to another facility
                         in the Port of Topolobampo before it grants the
                         permit for Energia Costa Azul.
                           Media have been unable to confirm any
                         further details, but it is believed that the Ener-
                         gia Costa Azul, which would be the first export
                         permit of its kind for a private company in Mex-
                         ico, could still be issued promptly. Nonetheless,
                         the report suggests that the path forward is not
                         entirely straightforward for Sempra.

                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         the global LNG sector then please click here for
                         NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor.

                         Latin America: Corruption considerations  its investigation of a deadly clash between police-
                         Questions about corruption have come to the  men and indigenous protesters at the Bretana
                         forefront in Latin America’s oil and gas sector  oilfield earlier this month. The probe appears to
                         over the past week.                  be making enough progress that the demonstra-
                           In Mexico, Emilio Lozoya, the former head  tors are willing to let PeruPetro, the national oil
                         of national oil company (NOC) Pemex, has  and gas regulator, resume shipments through the
                         claimed that three former Mexican presidents  Northern Oil Pipeline (ONP). For its part, Petro-
                         and various lawmakers and aides may have been  Tal (Canada), the operator of Bretana, hopes to
                         involved in vote-fixing, bribes and other illegal  resume production before the end of the month.
                         acts. Meanwhile, Loyoza himself is also facing   Meanwhile, Argentina’s Energy Secretary
                         corruption charges.                  Sergio Lanziani has stepped down from his
                           In Brazil, prosecutors have accused two peo-  post at the request of Production Minister Mat-
                         ple of obtaining confidential market information  ias Kulfas. Dario Martinez, a legislator from
                         from state-run Petrobras to benefit Denmark’s  the hydrocarbon-rich Neuquen Province, has
                         AP Moller-Maersk, a major player in the global  been named as Lanziani’s replacement. His first
                         shipping industry. In a statement, judicial offi-  task will be to address the harsh impact that the
                         cials alleged that Viggo Andersen, a former  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had on
                         Maersk executive who was based in Brazil,  Argentina’s oil and gas industry.
                         had taken part in a scheme to bribe a Petrobras
                         executive through an intermediary. The scheme   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         caused Petrobras to incur at least $31.7mn in   the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click
                         losses, the statement said.          here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor.
                           In Peru, disagreements between the govern-
                         ment and indigenous communities continue  Middle East: Deals, discoveries, budget cuts
                         to have an impact on oil-producing areas in  Deals were signed last week between the Iraqi
                         Loreto Province. Lima is moving forward with  government and five US energy companies

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