Page 18 - EurOil Week 33
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UPSTREAM production platform, which is capable of 2020,” published today shows estimated
producing approximately 6% of UK domestic decommissioning costs have, to date, reduced
Neptune Energy and Eserv gas demand, is one element of the partnership by 19% since the OGA began benchmarking
in 2017.
with Aberdeen-based Eserv. As part of an
partner for digitisation of ongoing digital transition, onshore teams baseline estimate of GBP59.7bn.
This is compared with the OGA’s 2017
can take a virtual walkthrough of the entire
Cygnus platform platform, plan work and monitor changes in OIL & GAS AUTHORITY, August 19, 2020
the physical structure, identifying potential
Neptune Energy today announced an issues early and accurately.
exciting new partnership with 3D technology The AI element of the technology is DOWNSTREAM
specialist, Eserv, as part of the ongoing being “trained” to identify thousands of
digitalisation of Neptune’s assets including individual components, valves and other plant Poland’s state-run refiner
its operated Cygnus gas platform in the UK equipment, and is “learning” how to spot
southern North Sea. potential integrity issues including corrosion. Lotos posts net profit loss
Using 3D and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Eserv’s Managing Director, Dan Millard,
technologies, a digital map of all three bridge- said: “Although remote and digital data in Q2
linked jackets was captured, enabling Neptune solutions have come into their own this year
Energy to detect asset integrity issues early due to travel and logistical restrictions, we Poland’s state-controlled oil and gas group
and plan fabric maintenance work on Cygnus. have been advancing advocates of using 3D Lotos recorded a net loss of PLN76.4mn
Specialist engineers and integrity experts data to revolutionise the offshore maintenance (€17.35mn) in the second quarter, the
now have the opportunity to carry out and asset integrity space for a number of years Warsaw-listed company said on August 12.
a significant amount of their traditional now. The result represents a changeover from
work from onshore, reducing the cost and “In fact our flagship AS-TEG™, that brings a net profit of PLN500.5mn in the second
environmental impacts associated with new digital applications and workflows quarter of 2019, figures show. The net loss
travelling offshore. together, is the result of five years of diminished as much as 94.2% q/q after the
The partnership with Eserv is part of continuous research and development.” company posted a net negative result of over
the first phase of Neptune Energy’s strategy NEPTUNE ENERGY, August 18, 2020 PLN1.3bn back then.
to “digitise” its assets and processes and Lotos’ sales declined 44.6% y/y to
enables remote subject matter expert advice Estimated costs for UKCS PLN4.25bn in the second quarter while also
for offshore personnel, and virtual visual falling 30.4% on the quarter.
inspections and site surveys. decommissioning continue The company’s Ebitda Lifo – earnings
Neptune’s UK Managing Director, adjusted for changing value of inventories
Alexandra Thomas, said: “We are excited to be to fall – came in at -PLN382.3mn in April-June
early adopters of such innovative technologies versus gains of PLN827.7mn in Q2 2019 and
which can enhance the efficiency and safety The total cost of UK offshore oil and gas PLN318.6 in the first quarter.
of our operations, reduce costs and offshore decommissioning has fallen by a further 2% In the key refining segment, “Ebitda Lifo
travel, and enable greater collaboration on a like-for-like basis in 2019 to GBP48bn, [fell] 97.5% y/y to PLN14.8mn as the results
between our onshore and offshore teams. according to the Oil and Gas Authority were affected by significantly lower cracks on
“The use of digital technologies is (OGA). diesel and fuel, volatility of crude oil and oil
particularly valuable at this time, given With a shared objective of industry and derivatives prices and lower demand due to
restrictions on travel and the necessity for government to reduce decommissioning COVID-19 restrictions,” PAP reported.
social distancing offshore.” costs by at least 35%, the latest annual
The digital mapping of the Cygnus gas “UKCS Decommissioning Cost Estimate
Wipro and Uniper
collaborate to implement a
blockchain-based small-
scale liquefied natural gas
(ssLNG) trading/fulfilment
Wipro Limited, a leading global information
technology, consulting, and business process
services company, today announced the
successful implementation of a blockchain-
based small-scale liquefied natural gas
(ssLNG) trading/fulfilment platform for
Uniper Global Commodities SE and its 100%
LNG-for-trucks subsidiary Liqvis GmbH.
Uniper SE is a leading international energy
company headquartered in Germany.
The platform built in collaboration with
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 33 20•August•2020