Page 43 - UKRRptDec22
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     Ukraine has received $60M from the World Bank. Ukraine received $60M from the World Bank, which will be directed to state budget expenditures and will ensure the remuneration of state employees and budget-funded educational institutions, both at the national and regional levels. Of these funds, $50M is provided on preferential terms by the International Development Association (IDA), and the remaining $10M is guaranteed by Latvia. The loan repayment period from the IDA is 10 years with a 4-year grace period; the one-time fee is 0.25%, and the commitment fee is 0.25% per annum of the undrawn balance. The loan's maturity from Latvia is 18.5 years with a 4-year grace period, a one-time fee of 0.25%, and a commitment fee of 0.25%.
Germany will provide €1B in aid to Ukraine. The German government has allocated an additional €1B from their 2023 federal budget to support Ukraine. The funds will be spent to ensure cyberspace security. Part of this amount will be directed to support groups that record evidence of human rights violations and war crimes. The additional funds will also go toward providing civil security in the wider region, including protecting journalists in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. The funds come amid controversy over whether Germany should step up their military aid to Ukraine, which says it needs offensive combat weapons, including tanks.
Hungary refuses to contribute to €18B macro-finance aid to Ukraine.
Hungary will not make a financial contribution to the EU’s long-term joint credit to support Ukraine’s state budget in 2023, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Peter Szijjártó. "We are ready to continue financial support based on a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Hungary, but we will not support any joint borrowing by the EU," said the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Szijjártó‘s statement was made after the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced the financial assistance program for Ukraine in 2023. Szijjártó recalled that Hungary financially supported Ukraine through joint borrowing during the Covid-19 pandemic. The country has spent hundreds of millions of euros to help Ukraine, which he believes is enough.
 6.1.4 Budget dynamics - privatization
    State privatization has delivered UAH 372M to the budget in two months.
Auctions for the privatization of state and communal property on the Prozorro.Sales portal over two months brought UAH 372M to Ukraine’s budget, Prozorro.Sales reported. To date, 43 auctions have been held for the privatization of state property and 70 auctions for communal property. The company emphasized that according to their results, total income amounted to almost UAH 1.4B, and the price increase from the original bid was 167%, nearly 2.7 times higher than the starting price of the lots. The state budget has already received UAH 372M. The rest of the deals are in the process of signing contracts and finalizing payment. Currently, 126 privatization auctions are available in Prozorro.Sales system.
Small-scale privatization brought UAH 500M into Ukraine’s budget.
Following the successful small-scale privatization auctions through the Prozorro.Sales platform, UAH 499.6M has been distributed to various levels of the budget, the state-owned enterprise Prozorro.Sales reported. Since privatization auctions resumed on September 19, the State Property Fund has
 43 UKRAINE Country Report December 2022

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