Page 3 - MEOG Week 10 2023
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GLNG  GLNG  MEOG                                     CONTENTS                                               MEOG

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                                             Middle East Oil & Gas Monitor

                         Iraq remains hopeful of Eridu plans despite uncertainty               4

                         PIPELINES & TRANSPORT
                         Iran to fine Pakistan over gas pipeline                               6
                         Venezuela’s use of US naphtha rising as Iranian condensate flows drop  6

                         PRICES & PERFORMANCE
                         Global energy sector emissions reach new height in 2022               7

                         FINANCE & INVESTMENT
 Are you interested in   OQ sets Abraj price as IPO is over-subscribed                         7

 following the countries   POLICY & SECURITY

                         Jordan keen to raise oil imports from Iraq                            8
 of Emerging Europe and   Iraqi minister reiterates gas expansion intention                    9
                         Aramco signs $6bn deal to support Korean firms in-Kingdom           10
 Eurasia more closely?   Iran and Oman sign cross-sector MoU                                 10
                         Iran hit with new US sanctions on oil, petchem shipping             11

                         PROJECTS & COMPANIES

 Then sign up for free    TotalEnergies expands UAE upstream portfolio                       12
                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                                        13
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                         NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)                                       17

                         OUR CUSTOMERS                                                        19
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