Page 11 - GLNG Week 47 2020
P. 11

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       GECF members hint at

       OPEC-style supply pact

       Russia’s new energy minister, Nikolay Shulginov, has urged

       members of the Gas Exporting Countries’ Forum to “deepen”

       their co-ordination

        POLICY           RUSSIA’S new Energy Minister, Nikolay Shulg-  “It is up to us to jointly come up with solutions
                         inov, has urged members of the Gas Exporting  that will further improve the efficiency of our
       WHAT:             Countries’ Forum (GECF) to “deepen” their  organisation in order to strengthen its position
       Shulginov has urged GECF   co-ordination, amid rising calls for gas suppliers  globally,” Shulginov said. “Co-operation in the
       members to “deepen”   to consider joint action to support prices.  GECF is among the priorities of Russian foreign
       their co-ordination.  Unlike their counterparts in OPEC, GECF’s  energy policy. We hope that in the coming years,
                         11 members have never imposed co-ordinated  the GECF will continue to play an important
       WHY:              cuts to supply. But there are growing concerns  role in shaping new trends in the development
       The suggestion comes   among leading gas producers that such a step  of the gas industry.”
       amid rising calls for gas   may be necessary to rebalance the market more   Shulginov said more efficient and “active
       suppliers to consider   quickly.                       actions” would be needed to overcome chal-
       joint action to support   Russia, the world’s biggest gas supplier, has  lenges in the current market. He called for
       prices.           shunned such a move during previous down-  members to make proposals on “new mecha-
                         turns. But with the International Energy Agency  nisms of co-operation” before the next heads of
       WHAT NEXT:        (IEA) forecasting an unprecedented 3% decline  state summit of GECF members, which will take
       The obstacle to OPEC-  in global gas demand this year, it might be  place in Qatar in November 2021.
       style joint action is   rethinking its position.
       likely to be leading LNG   GECF, whose members also include major gas  Gas OPEC?
       exporter Qatar.   producers Qatar and Iran, held its 22nd ministe-  GECF was only founded in 2001, some five
                         rial online meeting on November 11-12. While  decades after OPEC’s launch in 1960. Its full
                         the talks did not end with a public plan to co-or-  members are Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial
                         dinate output cuts, many members stressed the  Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trin-
                         importance of rebalancing the market.  idad and Tobago and Venezuela, while Angola,
                           Shulginov, who replaced long-serving Rus-  Azerbaijan, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Norway,
                         sian Energy Minister Alexander Novak on  Oman, Perua and the UAE have observer status.
                         November 9, said in opening comments at the   The group has traditionally lacked its oil
                         meeting that he intended to attach the “utmost  counterpart’s ability to assert pressure on prices,
                         importance” to co-operation in the GECF.  even though it controls over half of global gas

                                                                                                  Russia’s new Energy
                                                                                                  Minister, Nikolay

       Week 47   27•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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