Page 7 - AfrElec Week 32
P. 7

AfrElec                                            GRID                                              AfrElec

       Ncondezi Energy moves forward

       with transmission study

        MOZAMBIQUE       ENERGY developer Ncondezi Energy said it  strengthen the grid and facilitate future trans-
                         had sent a transmission integration study to state  mission expansion plans,” said Pengilly.
                         utility Electricidad de Moçambique (EDM) for   He added: “Tariff negotiations are continuing
                         its integrated 300MW coal-fired power project  in parallel and are progressing positively. The
                         and coal mine in Tete Province.      team continues to work tirelessly to reach our
                           According to a company statement, the study  goals and we look forward to providing further
                         evaluated a number of transmission connection  updates in due course.”
                         options for the project, taking into account cur-  The project will use circulating fluidised
                         rent and planned changes to the network since  bed (CFB) technology, which will comply with
                         the last study was completed with EDM.  OECD guidelines and the most stringent IFC/
                           The study will be used by EDM to provide  World Bank guidelines for coal power plants.
                         approval on the project transmission option to   Coal will be supplied from the development
                         connect into the Mozambique grid via a 92-km  of an adjacent open-cast mine producing 1.5mn
                         power line.                          tonnes per year.
                           Ncondezi Energy said that the power plant   Ncondezi plans to sell 100% of power gener-
                         would be designed to be equipped with state-  ated to EDM through a 25-year power purchase
                         of-the-art emissions controls technologies that  agreement (PPA). This will be supported by a
                         will reduce local air pollutants, minimising the  power concession agreement (PCA) to be nego-
                         plant’s impact on the environment and ensuring  tiated with the Mozambican Ministry of Mineral
                         its compliance with the most stringent emission  Resources and Energy.
                         standards.                             The country is supporting the exploitation of
                           This is a key issue, as the use of coal as a gener-  its coal reserves in a bid to improve its access-to-
                         ating fuel is now being heavily criticised globally.  power rate, which stood at 30% in 2017, accord-
                         The falling price of renewables means that many  ing to the World Bank.
                         coal projects now face becoming less economic   Indeed, as well as coal, Ncondezi has also
                         than solar or wind.                  invested in an off-grid solar battery project.
                           Ncondezi Energy’s CEO, Hanno Pengilly,   The company has secured the right to fund a
                         said: “It’s a fantastic step forward that we have  $5.5mn commercial and industrial (C&I) project
                         submitted the final draft of the transmission  development pipeline in Mozambique through
                         integration study to EDM for review.”  a relationship agreement with a C&I developer.
                           Following the updated tariff proposal in   The company said that its move into the C&I
                         March 2020, this report was required and has  solar and battery storage sector offers a signifi-
                         been updated with proprietary information from  cant opportunity for the company to comple-
                         EDM, explained Pengilly.             ment the existing large-scale baseload power
                           “The results look encouraging and have iden-  project and access near-term low-risk annuity
                         tified a number of optimisations, which have  income streams which have significant growth
                         the potential to improve transmission line cost,  potential.™

       Week 32   13•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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