Page 9 - EurOil Week 06 2021
P. 9

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       German lawmaker calls for US-EU-

       Russian talks on Nord Stream 2

        GERMANY          AN influential German politician from Chancel-  Trump. Indeed, his administration still insists
                         lor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union  the pipeline is not in Europe’s interests.
       Work on the pipeline   (CDU) party has called for three-way talks to   “We continue to believe, the president con-
       should be halted so   take place between the EU, Russia and the US to  tinues to believe, that Nord Stream 2 is a bad deal
       these negotiations can   decide on Nord Stream 2’s fate.  for Europe,” White House Press Secretary Jen
       take place, former CDU   Norbert Rottgen, a former CDU deputy  Psaki said at a daily briefing on January 26, add-
       deputy leader Nobert   leader and ex-environment minister, now head-  ing that the administration would be reviewing
       Rottgen has said.  ing the committee on foreign affairs at the Bun-  the restrictions included in the defence policy
                         destag, Germany’s lower house of parliament,  legislation.
                         has suggested a moratorium on Nord Stream 2’s   Even so, Biden is likely to prioritise US rela-
                         construction be imposed so these negotiations  tions with Germany, whose support for the
                         can take place. The project could be realised if  pipeline has so far held. That support has been
                         there is an international agreement in place that  put to the test by Moscow’s treatment of Russian
                         ensures that Russia cannot use the pipeline as a  opposition leader Alexei Navalny and his follow-
                         political weapon, he said.           ers in recent weeks. Moscow strained ties further
                           Rottgen’s words come days after reports in the  with Berlin last week, expelling diplomats from
                         German press that the Biden administration is  Germany, Poland and Sweden which it claimed
                         prepared to enter into talks with Germany to lift   had taken part in illegal protests against Naval-
                         its sanctions on Nord Stream 2. These sanctions  ny’s jailing.
                         have pushed Nord Stream 2 over a year behind   Merkel described the expulsions as “unjusti-
                         schedule and counting, and have led to a number  fied” on February 5, but stopped short of sug-
                         of European companies withdrawing from the  gesting Nord Stream 2’s fate might be on the line.
                         project in recent months.              “The position on Nord Stream 2 is unaffected
                           President Joe Biden has not indicated pub-  by this for the time being; this is a project on
                         licly that he will adopt a softer stance towards  which you know the position of the federal gov-
                         Nord Stream 2 than his predecessor Donald  ernment,” she told reporters. ™

       Week 06   11•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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