Page 7 - TURKRptOct22
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 2.0 Politics 2.1 Watchlist
    ● Global liquidity: The Fed’s balance sheet has stopped breaking records.
A record $8.97 trillion was registered as of April 12. As of Oct 4, it stood at $8.76 trillion.
The Reverse Repo (RRP) account (money supply that is parked back at the Fed by banks) reached a record high of $2.23 trillion as of Oct 7.
The Treasury General Account (TGA) (money supply that is parked back at the Fed by the government) stood at $634bn as of October 5.
    November, prior to the beginning of the new year rally in December, could be bloody this year.
The yield on 10-year US Treasury papers hit 4% and the USD index (DXY) hit 115 on September 28.
The US yield curve remains inverted.The Fed and US government deny it but the US entered a technical recession as of Q2. A recession is here with high inflation, we have stagflation.
European Central Bank
On September 8, the European Central Bank (ECB) delivered a 75bp rate hike.
On October 27, at its next rate-setting meeting, the ECB is expected to deliver another rate hike.
The EUR/USD saw 0.9535 on September 28.
The spread between Italy 10-year and Germany 10-year papers
remains above the 200bp-level.
Inflation in the Euro Area extended its record-breaking series to an eleventh consecutive month with 10% y/y in September. Producer price inflation broke a fresh record with 43% y/y in August.
           7 TURKEY Country Report October 2022

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