Page 19 - UKRRptJan21
P. 19
4.4​ Corporate profits
    Ukraine’s companies earned nothing in the third quarter and collectively made a small loss of UAH40mn​, according to Ukrstat. The companies had a strong year in 2019, which they ended with (9.7bn) in profits, in what was the country’s first year of strong growth in many years.
But incomes crashed in the first quarter of 2020 as the multiple crises hit with corporate collectively losing UAH118,408mn ($4.2bn). There was a slight recovery in the second quarter when companies collectively made UAH28,623mn but as the second wave of the coronavirus (COVID-19) got underway in September collectively corporate fell back into a collective loss of UAH40mn.
 19​ UKRAINE Country Report​ January 2021 ​ ​

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