Page 20 - AsianOil Week 31
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AsianOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsianOil

                                                                                  Implemented 2020 cashflow savings
                                                                                initiatives totalling over US$22.0 million
                                                                                under Project Clover, the Group-wide cost
                                                                                efficiency and cashflow savings programme,
                                                                                with over US$10.0 million of additional
                                                                                opportunities being pursued.
                                                                                  Progress on the planned acquisition of
                                                                                a 69% operated interest in the Maari asset,
                                                                                offshore New Zealand, including obtaining
                                                                                Offshore Investment Office approval, and
                                                                                continuing to progress towards approval of
                                                                                the New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals
                                                                                  Announced acquisition of a 90%
       Company had on 4 August 2020, sought the   oil and referred to an average historical price   operated interest in the Lemang PSC,
       approval of the SGX-ST for an extension of   of past 6 to 24 months. While the crude oil   onshore Sumatra, Indonesia for an initial
       time of up to two and a half (2.5) months   that accounts for roughly 30% of total sales   headline consideration of US$12.0 million,
       until 27 October 2020, to submit its Trading   volume and is directly impacted by the oil   thereby re-establishing Jadestone’s operating
       Resumption Proposal (the “Extension of   price volatility, the Company has entered into   presence in Indonesia and adding 17.2mm
       Time”).                             oil price hedging contracts for certain portion.   boe of 2C gas resource3.
       KRISENERGY, August 4 2020           Besides, PTTEP recorded impairment loss of   2020 full year guidance also re-affirmed on
                                           USD 47 million primarily from Mariana Oil   each of operating costs per barrel, capex and
       PTTEP’s H1 profit falls 51%         Sands project in Canada due to the forecast   the Company’s maiden dividend.
                                           of long-term low oil price indicating project
                                                                                JADESTONE ENERGY, July 30, 2020
       PTTEP reported net income of USD 409   development uncommercial.
       million for the first half of 2020 with strong   Accordingly, PTTEP reported net profit
       financial positions despite challenges resulted   of USD 409 million (equivalent to THB   OCEANIA
       from the global oil price situation and the   12,935 million) in the first half of 2020,
       spread of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) with   decreased by 51% from the previous year   Warrego appoints CEO for
       the approved interim dividend payment at   of USD 827 million (equivalent to THB
       THB 1.5 per share. The company has revised   26,163 million). Meanwhile, the unit cost was   Australian operations
       its business plans to cope with current and   remained at USD 30 per BOE with Earnings
       future challenging circumstances, assuring the   before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and   Warrego Energy today announced that it
       company’s sustainable growth.       Amortaization (EBITDA) margin of 70%,   had appointed David Biggs as CEO of its
         Phongsthorn Thavisin, President and CEO   aligned with the company’s target.  Australian operations from 1 August 2020,
       of PTTEP, said that in the first half of this   PTTEP, July, 30 2020     reporting to Dennis Donald, Group CEO and
       year, the company generated total revenues of                            Managing Director. David, currently a non-
       USD 2,779 million (equivalent to THB 87,549   Jadestone updates on       executive director, will remain on the Warrego
       million), decreasing by 7% from USD 3,001                                Board as an Executive Director.
       million (equivalent to THB 94,830 million)   trading, operations           David has more than 35 years’ experience
       in the same period of 2019. The average                                  in the upstream oil and gas sector working
       sales volume was at 345,207 barrels of oil   Jadestone Energy, an independent oil and   for large multinational and smaller scale
       equivalent per day (BOED), increasing by 6%   gas production company focused on the   organisations across Australia, New Zealand,
       compared to 326,971 BOED in the first half   Asia Pacific region, provides a trading and   UK, the Middle East, Africa, Indonesia and
       of the previous year driven by the acquisition   operations update for the six-month period   the Americas. His extensive commercial,
       of Murphy Oil Corporation’s business in   ended June 30, 2020.           gas marketing, project development and
       Malaysia and Partex.                   Q2 2020 production of 12,566 bbls/d,   leadership skills, built in key senior roles at
         However, as a consequence of the   a 7.7% increase on Q1 2020 production   BHP Petroleum and more recently as CEO
       COVID-19 outbreak and the oil price war   of 11,665 bbls/d. This equates to H1 2020   of both AWE and Cue Energy, will provide
       between Saudi Arabia and Russia in early   production of 12,116 bbls/d, versus 13,188   considerable momentum to Warrego’s
       March this year, the global demand for the   bbls/d for H1 2019.         Australian operations.
       energy consumption has crashed while the oil   On track to meet full year production   He will lead the Perth-based Australian
       price has fallen to more than 50% from the   guidance of 12,000–14,000 bbls/d.  team which is focused on commercialising the
       beginning of this year. As a result, PTTEP’s   Positive cash generation for both H1 2020   Company’s 50% interest in the West Erregulla
       average selling price dropped by 15% to   and Q2 2020, resulting in gross cash and   gas field, progressing the EPA-0127 permit
       USD 40.15 per barrel of oil equivalent (BOE)   bank balances of US$113.81 million as at   in Western Australia and pursuing further
       compared to USD 47.26 per BOE in the same   June 30, 2020, and net cash of US$78.22 This   exploration opportunities.
       period last year. Nonetheless, the company’s   represents an increase in net cash, quarter-  The decision to appoint an experienced
       selling price decreased in less proportion   on-quarter, of US$6.1 million, and a US$38.9   country CEO follows the appointment of gas
       comparing to the decrease of the crude oil   million increase versus December 31, 2019,   marketing expert Cathy McKeagney as GM
       price since the natural gas price has already   after debt repayment.    Commercial and the transfer of Warrego’s
       been secured with the sales agreements in   Efficient management of capital, reducing   Australian HQ from Sydney to Perth.
       which price formula are partly linked to fuel   planned 2020 capex by circa 80%.  WARREGO ENERGY, August 3, 2020

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   06•August•2020
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