Page 32 - Small Stans Outlook 2023
P. 32

Turkmenistan’s big neighbour to the south, Iran, in 2022 firmed up a
                              deal with Ashgabat and Baku under which the Iranians can increase
                              piped gas supplies to Azerbaijan under swap arrangements with
                              Turkmenistan. The deal allows Iran to receive 5-6mn cubic metres per
                              day of gas from Turkmenistan for use in some of its northeastern
                              localities. Contractually, it is then bound to deliver the same amount of
                              gas to Azerbaijan. Theoretically, some of these Iranian gas flows could
                              indirectly translate into supplies for Europe.

                              In renewables, the UAE's renewable energy corporation Masdar in
                              November signed a joint development agreement with Turkmenenergo
                              state power corporation to develop a 100-megawatt solar photovoltaic
                              (PV) plant, marking the company's first project in Turkmenistan.

                             7.4 Climate Crisis - Kyrgyzstan

                             The IMF has recommended that Bishkek address climate-related
                             challenges to open new opportunities for more sustainable and inclusive

                              “The Kyrgyz Republic needs its own climate adaptation policy to
                              strengthen resilience. This requires creating fiscal space for additional
                              public spending on green investment, healthcare, training and
                              education, and social safety nets,” the Fund said.

                              Despite its low carbon footprint, Kyrygzstan should also contribute to
                              global mitigation efforts by reducing air, soil and water pollution,
                              expanding renewables and raising electricity tariffs to cost recovery,
                              something which would attract private investment in clean power
                              generation, it added.

                             7.5 Climate Crisis - Tajikistan

                             Scientific expedition results showed extremely active glacier melting in
                             Tajikistan during 2022. The Center for the Study of Glaciers under the
                             Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. President of Tajikistan Emomali
                             Rahmon occasionally speaks about melting glaciers at public forums. He
                             proposed the date for World Glacier Day and the designation of 2025 as
                             International Year for the Protection of Glaciers.

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