Page 18 - AsianOil Week 02 2021
P. 18

AsianOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsianOil

                                           Pertamina Cilacap refinery           Hainan Free Trade Zone (FTZ) in South
       SOUTHEAST ASIA                                                           to expand its refinery development in the
       Pertamina completes Tiung  optimises Pertalite                           China.
                                                                                  Once completed, the ethylene renovation
       Biru Jambaran Drilling              production                           and expansion project will produce up to
                                                                                one million tonnes of ethylene derivatives
       The Gas Drilling Project carried out by PT   As an effort to increase the use of   and refined oil on an annual basis and is
       Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) in the operational   environmentally friendly vehicle fuels,   expected to boost economic growth in China’s
       area of the Jambaran - Tiung Biru Project is   PT Pertamina (Persero) through the Sub   downstream sector by more than 100 billion
       nearing its end. Until the period of January   Holding PT Pertamina International Refinery   yuan ($14.1 billion). Output from the Hainan
       2021, Drilling and Riglees Completion   at Refinery Unit IV Cilacap successfully   FTZ will serve ethylene demand across China
       Operations have succeeded in working faster   carried out the initial lifting of Pertalite   and globally.
       than the target. The PEPC Drilling Team   products up to 2.1 million barrels per month   Under the new contract, EPC
       managed to save up to 56 days of processing   or 334 thousand kilo liters (KL). The lifting   services for the sitewide pipe rack and
       time ahead of schedule.             procession was marked by the initial transfer   associated pipework, cables for power,
         In the world of the oil and gas industry, the   of Pertalite products from RU IV to Lomanis   telecommunications and lighting will be
       condition of saving working time is an achievement,   Fuel Terminal which was officially carried   delivered by Wood’s engineering and project
       especially when it is accompanied by the achievement   out by General Manager of Pertamina RU IV,   management teams based in Shanghai and on
       of no accidents or injuries at work. JTB Project   Joko Pranoto accompanied by the Executive   site.
       Workers have worked hand in hand with the motto   General Manager of Central Java Regional,   Mike Collins, Wood’s Executive President
       Spirit to Zero Accident, and managed to achieve more   Sylvia Grace Yuvenna on Thursday.  of Projects comments: “We are delighted to
       than 1.6 Million Safe Work Hours.      According to the Acting. Unit Manager   win this new contract with Sinopec which
         This achievement was obtained thanks to   Communication, Relations & CSR of   demonstrates the strength of our long-
       the cooperation and hard work of the JTB   Pertamina Regional Central Java, Kevin   standing relationship with the client and their
       team and all stakeholders, both the energy,   Kurnia Gumilang, with the optimization   confidence in our extensive EPC expertise in
       thoughts and technology used, as well as the   of Pertalite production at RU IV Cilacap,   the petrochemical sector.
       blessing of God Almighty.           making the stock and distribution of   “We look forward to continuing our
         “We use Pertamina Drilling Services   these products in the Central Java region   partnership to deliver this project safely,
       Indonesia or PDSI Cyber Walking Rig   safer. “Currently, according to the data we   sustainably and on-time, making a positive
       which is very efficient for drilling using the   have, consumption of petrol products, the   contribution to this significant development.
       planned Batch Drilling method. All of these   Pertalite type, dominates distribution in   “Wood is uniquely placed to leverage
       achievements are proof that Pertamina,   all petrol stations in Central Java with an   our engineering design expertise and
       through its officers, is able to manage Drilling   average daily percentage of 75% or around   global petrochemical track record to play a
       Operations at high risk hazards excellence in   9,000 kiloliters per day,” he said.  significant role in the growth of Sinopec’s
       both the operational and HSSE aspects.   Pertalite is a fuel product for gasoline from   business and the economic development of
         Support from management and all   Pertamina, which was launched in 2015.   Hainan, boosting the local supply chain.”
       stakeholders, especially during the Covid   “With an octane number or Research Octane   WOOD, January 12, 2021
       19 Pandemic, is also the key to the success   Number (RON) 90, Pertalite products answer
       of this Drilling and Rigless Completion   the needs of current vehicle specifications,
       campaign. The JTB project’s Drilling and   which on average require RON above 90 as   OCEANIA
       Rigless Completion Campaign was able to   fuel. The specifications of the vehicle engine
       perform operational cost efficiency by 11%   must be adjusted to the octane number of   Ironbark-1 Plug and
       and operational time by 21%.        the fuel in order for complete combustion
         Single Trip Perforation technology long   to occur so that vehicle exhaust emissions   Abandon complete
       intervals of up to 800 feet and Smart Coiled   become more environmentally friendly,
       Tubing (ACTive) Distributed Temperature   “concluded Kevin.              The Ocean Apex drilling rig has completed
       Sensing (DTS) technology in high rate gas   PERTAMINA, January 7, 2021   its work scope to plug and abandon the
       wells, with a content of 8000 ppm H2S and                                Ironbark-1 well and departed the well
       34% CO2 which is carried out rigorously is                               location at midnight Monday 11th January
       the first time in Indonesia with involving   EAST ASIA                   2021(AWST).
       100% Indonesian men and women. I hope                                      Cue CEO Matthew Boyall commented on
       this technology can be applied to similar   Wood secures $120mn          the well and Cue’s ongoing business:
       operations both in other Pertamina Upstream                                “The results of the Ironbark-1 well were
       Subholding Regions and KKKS throughout   contract for ethylene           disappointing, but we thank BP, the operator
       Indonesia which have similar operational                                 of the permit, for their safe and professional
       conditions to the JTB field, “said Awang   expansion in China            execution of the drilling operations.
       Lazuardi, as the President Director of PEPC.                               Cue has a strong underlying business with
         Well testing operations up to a rate of 60   Wood, the global consulting and engineering   2 projects currently in the development phase
       MMSCFD are also safe and conducive. All   company, has secured a contract valued   in addition to the continuing revenue from
       of this happened, because PEPC worked   at over $120 million with Sinopec Hainan   the Maari and Sampang projects.
       together with reliable and trusted partners, as   Refining and Chemical Limited Company   With cash reserves available, Cue continues
       well as support from stakeholders.   (Sinopec) to provide engineering,   to look for new, value adding opportunities.”
       PERTAMINA, January 14, 2021         procurement and construction (EPC) services   CUE ENERGY, January 13, 2021

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   14•January•2021
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