Page 5 - GLNG Week 48 2020
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GLNG                                               NRG                                                GLNG

                         gas industry and from other resources shall be  terminals to offset an anticipated production blip
                         properly utilised and accounted for, because as a  from the offshore Erawan gas field from 2022.
                         party, we have financial discipline,” he said.  The Bangkok Post reported in October that
                           Muntu was speaking around the same time  the government wanted to use spare capacity at
                         that Don Binyina, executive director of the Africa  the Map Ta Phut and Nong Fab LNG import ter-
                         Centre for Energy and Mineral Policy, criticised  minals at Rayong to supply gas to TPPs owing to
                         Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s handling  anticipated delays in PTT Exploration and Pro-
                         of oil money. On Museveni’s watch, the balance of  duction (PTTEP) assuming control of the field
                         the country’s Petroleum Fund has dropped from  from Chevron.
                         UGX300bn ($81mn) to UGX87bn ($23mn), he   PTTEP has said the US super-major’s arbi-
                         said at an event marking the launch of the Citizens’  tration with the government over Erawan will
                         Manifesto on Petroleum and Mining.   stop it from installing production facilities this
                                                              year. Chevron’s concession for Erawan expires in
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   2022, with PTTEP set to take over after having
                         Africa’s oil and gas sector then please click here for   won the field’s contract in December 2018.
                         NewsBase’s AfrOil Monitor .            The super-major has, however, locked horns
                                                              with Bangkok over a retroactive law passed in
                         AsianOil: Egco applies for Thai LNG import  2016 that requires operators to cover the decom-
                         licence                              missioning costs of equipment they installed,
                         Thai power utility Electricity Generating (Egco)  even if another developer takes over the field and
                         has applied to the Energy Regulatory Commis-  associated equipment.
                         sion (ERC) for a liquefied natural gas (LNG)
                         import licence.                      If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                           The company applied earlier this month for   Asia’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
                         permission to import 250,000 tonnes per year   NewsBase’s AsianOil Monitor .
                         (tpy) to feed three gas-fired thermal power
                         plants (TPPs), company president Thepparat  DMEA: Ghana LNG scheme secures funds
                         Theppitak told the Bangkok Post on November  Ghana’s plans to import LNG have just received a
                         30. The plants include the 256-MW Banpong  kick-start, with the Emerging Africa Infrastruc-
                         TPP in Ratchaburi, the 121-MW Klongluang  ture Fund (EAIF) agreeing to provide a $31mn
                         TPP in Pathum Thani and the 120-MW Egco  loan to a regasification scheme in the port of
                         TPP in Rayong.                       Tema.
                           Theppitak said the company intended to   The loan, with a duration of 10 years, will go
                         import LNG via a mix of long and short-term  to the project’s developer Access LNG, a joint
                         contracts to offset the risks posed by volatile  venture between Helios Investment Partners and
                         pricing. The company may work with other LNG  Gasfin Development. The pair reached financial
                         importers to combine their supply contracts.  close on the scheme on November 16.
                           Despite the country producing gas from fields   According to Gasfin, the terminal will deliver
                         in the Gulf of Thailand, as well as importing it by  250mn cubic feet per day (2.58bn cubic metres
                         pipeline from neighbouring Myanmar, declining  per year) of gas. This gas will be used as fuel
                         output is driving the country to rely increasingly  at thermal power plants (TPPs), providing a
                         on LNG to sustain its rising fuel demand.  cleaner and less costly option than crude oil and
                           Thai LNG imports are projected to climb  heavy fuel oil.
                         to 27mn tonnes in 2037 from 4.4mn tonnes   Helios partner Ogbemi Ofuya suggested
                         in 2018, with the chilled fuel set to account for  Access LNG could provide additional LNG
                         70% of the country’s gas supplies compared with  projects in sub-Saharan Africa. The current
                         around 13% in 2018.                  low price of gas, he said, means “there is a great
                           LNG may also gain ground more quickly in  opportunity for Access to support markets
                         the short term, with energy planners report-  switching to natural gas as a clean, cheap transi-
                         edly planning to scale up the use of two import  tion fuel as we push developments to support a

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