Page 4 - AfrOil Week 46
P. 4

AfrOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               AfrOil

                                                                                                   (Photo: Mozambique LNG)

       GECF members hint at

       OPEC-style supply pact

       Nigeria’s Timipre Sylva suggests that GECF could become a “balancing factor” in global gas markets

                         RUSSIA’S new energy minister, Nikolay Shulg-  ministerial online meeting on November 11-12.
                         inov, has urged members of the Gas Exporting   While the talks did not end with a public plan
       WHAT:             Countries’ Forum (GECF) to “deepen” their   to co-ordinate output cuts, many members
       Russia’s new energy   co-ordination, amid rising calls for gas suppliers   stressed the importance of rebalancing the
       minister has urged GECF   to consider joint action to support prices.  market.
       members to “deepen”   Unlike their counterparts in OPEC, GECF’s   Shulginov, who replaced long-serving Rus-
       their co-ordination.  11 members have never imposed co-ordinated   sian Energy Minister Alexander Novak on
                         cuts to supply. But there are growing concerns   November 9, said in opening comments at the
       WHY:              among leading gas producers that such a step   meeting that he intended to attach the “utmost
       Closer co-operation may   may be necessary to rebalance the market more   importance” to co-operation in the GECF.
       be needed to rebalance   quickly.                        “It is up to us to jointly come up with solu-
       global gas markets.  Russia, the world’s biggest gas supplier, has   tions that will further improve the efficiency
                         shunned such a move during previous down-  of our organisation in order to strengthen its
       WHAT NEXT:        turns. But with the International Energy Agency   position globally,” Shulginov said. “Co-opera-
       Qatar is likely to oppose   (IEA) forecasting an unprecedented 3% decline   tion in the GECF is among the priorities of Rus-
       OPEC-style joint action.
                         in global gas demand this year, it might be   sian foreign energy policy. We hope that in the
                         rethinking its position.             coming years, the GECF will continue to play
                           GECF, whose members also include major   an important role in shaping new trends in the
                         gas producers Qatar and Iran, held its 22nd   development of the gas industry.”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   18•November•2020
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