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Weekly Lists
November 17, 2017 I Page 28
Croatia raises €1.275bn through Eurobond maturing in 2030
Uzbekistan’s NBU signs €950mn of loan deals with Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank and AKA Bank
Croatia issued €1.275bn through a Eurobond maturing in 2030 at a yield of 2.953% and bearing a coupon rate of 2.75%, the government announced on November 16. This is Croatia's most favourable loan ever and has the longest maturity ever realised on international markets.
The funds will be used for early repayment and refinancing of the debt of state-owned companies in the transport sector, Hrvatske ceste (HC), Hrvatske autoceste (HAC), and Rijeka Zagreb motorway (ARZ). The debt of the three companies amounts to €5.2bn, or more than 13.5% of public debt.
The National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the Republic
of Uzbekistan (NBU) has signed loan agreements worth a total of €950mn with three German banks, Uzbek state-run media reported on November 15. They were made up of a €500mn agreement with Deutsche Bank, a €350mn deal with Commerzbank and a €100mn arrangement with AKA Bank.
The loans will cover “investment projects” and projects in “small business and private entrepreneurship”, the reports said, without specifying the projects the loans would be allocated to. The loan agreements mark another development in the ongoing process of opening up Uzbekistan to foreign investment, since the coming to power of reformist Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in 2016 and the lifting of strict Uzbek currency controls in September.
The Macedonian government plans to borrow €470mn from local and foreign financial markets to finance the planned budget deficit of 2.7% of the country’s GDP in 2018, Finance Minister Dragan Tevdovski said, cited by media on November 13.
This supports the recent reports that the Macedonian government led by the Social Democrats is planning a new Eurobond issue, even though the Ministry of Finance said earlier this month that no such decision has yet been made. International media reported that such a move is likely in the first quarter of 2017.
Macedonia plans to borrow €470mn to finance budget gap in 2018