Page 13 - AsianOil Week 30
P. 13

AsianOil                                        OCEANIA                                             AsianOil

       Comet mulls Mahalo

       Gas Projectstake sale

        FINANCE &        AUSTRALIAN independent Comet Ridge has   It said it had opened talks with potential part-
        INVESTMENT       said it may sell off some of its 40% stake in the  ners in Mahalo North’s development, noting that
                         Mahalo Gas Project (MGP) in Queensland.  the project would capitalise on projected supply
                           The company said on July 30 that a par-  shortfalls on the East Coast gas market. The
                         tial divestment would not only help it to meet  Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
                         its equity funding obligations, but would also  has warned that domestic gas supply shortages
                         pave the way for it to focus on its wholly owned  could emerge in Victoria by 2023, with other
                         Mahalo North block.                  neighbouring states to experience a similar
                           MGP is located inside the northern part of  crunch soon after.
                         authority to prospect (ATP) 1191 and consists   Comet said negotiations had covered gas pre-
                         of petroleum leases (PLs) 1082 (Humboldt) and  sales as well as farm-in opportunities and could
                         1083 (Mahalo). The Queensland government  even involve the sale of some of its stake in MGP.
                         awarded the two 30-year leases to project part-  Mahalo North lies directly north of MGP in
                         ners Comet, Santos and Australia Pacific LNG  ATP 2048 and Comet said earlier this month that
                         (APLNG) earlier this month. APLNG has a 30%  it was conducting seismic interpretation in order
                         stake in MGP, while major shareholders Ori-  to optimise drilling locations. The independent
                         gin Energy serves as operator. Santos owns the  has said Mahalo North could be tied into either
                         remaining 30%,                       MGP or other nearby gas processing and pipe-
                           While the partners want to produce 60 TJ  line facilities.
                         (1.56mn cubic metres) per day of gas from MGP,   The company expects East Coast gas prices
                         Comet noted that the venture still had not set a  to rebound in financial year 2022-2023, after
                         timeline for either a final investment decision  having fallen to multi-year lows on the back of
                         (FID) or first gas.                  weaker global gas demand and oversupply on
                           Comet warned that it would struggle to  the international market. Comet cited natural
                         raise funding for an initial drilling campaign  declines at major producing assets in the coun-
                         at Mahalo North, given the current market  try’s east as well as the current wave of upstream
                         downturn.                            budget cuts.™

       Week 30   30•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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