Page 5 - AsianOil Week 30
P. 5

AsianOil                                      SOUTH ASIA                                            AsianOil

       OIL slammed by Assam blowout investigation

        PROJECTS &       STATE-RUN Oil India Ltd (OIL) has been   OIL did not have the necessary operating
        COMPANIES        slammed by a government-order investigation  approvals outlined in the Water (Prevention
                         into the blow out and subsequent explosion of a  & Control of Pollution) and Air (Prevention &
                         gas and condensate well at the company’s Bagh-  Control of Pollution) Acts before it began drill-
                         jan field in Assam State.            ing the Baghjan-5 well in 2006, the panel said.
                           The commission said OIL had not only failed  It added that while the company could show
                         to properly plan, execute and supervise a number  that it had applied to Assam Pollution Control
                         of critical operations but had also failed to secure a  Board (PCB) for the necessary approvals in 2006,
                         number of government approvals before it spud-  it could not present the PCB’s authorisation.
                         ded the well almost a decade and a half ago.  Therefore, the panel said, the state developer
                           The panel also accused OIL’s drilling con-  “flagrantly violated” regulatory procedures.
                         tractor, John Energy, of similarly failing to pro-  The commission added that OIL had also
                         vide adequate supervision of critical well site  failed to renew its environmental permit to
                         operations.                          drill and test under the nearby Dibru-Saikhowa
                           The developer experienced a blowout at the  National Park (DSNP).
                         Baghjan-5 well on May 27 after it tried to bring a   In related news, OIL said on July 29 that it was
                         new reservoir on stream. This led to “uncontrol-  in the final stages of capping the blowout and
                         lable” flows of gas and condensate that eventually  that all high-pressure well control equipment
                         caught fire on June 9, killing two OIL firefighters  had been placed at their designated positions,
                         and destroying roughly 30 homes.     including a choke manifold, X-mass tree, BOP
                           “There was deficiency in understanding of  control unit and associated high-pressure lines
                         the gravity of a critical operation like removal  and hoses.
                         of [a blowout preventer] BOP without having   The blowout and the slow pace of work on
                         a confirmed and tested secondary safety bar-  capping the well has, however, has led to pro-
                         rier. There was deficiency in proper planning of  testors gathering at the company’s drill sites and
                         critical operations. There was a clear mismatch  workover locations across the state. OIL said that
                         between planning and its execution at site and  owing to unrest at several producing well sites,
                         deviations from the standard operating proce-  it had been unable to produce 17,646 tonnes
                         dure,” the panel of experts said in a 406-page  (129,345 barrels) of crude oil and 41.83mn cubic
                         report.                              metres of gas since May 27.™

                                                  SOUTHEAST ASIA

       Indonesia backs DME projects as LPG alternative

        PROJECTS &       INDONESIA’S push to reduce its liquid petro-  As such, the government intends to dis-
        COMPANIES        leum gas (LPG) imports continued this past  tribute DME produced from the country’s
                         week with the government’s announcement that  2bn tonnes of low-calorie coal reserves to
                         it was looking to blend the fuel with supplies of  regions that are still waiting for pipeline
                         locally produced dimethyl ether (DME).  connections. The ministry estimates that
                           The head of the Indonesian Energy Minis-  it will take 6mn tonnes of coal to produce
                         try’s research and development team, Dadan  1.5mn tonnes of DME.
                         Kusdiana, said on July 22 that the government   Kusdiana noted that a proposed coal
                         had conducted a three-year study on optimal  to synthetic gas facility for Riau Province,
                         ratios to mix coal-based DME with LPG for the  capable of producing 1.4mn tonnes per year
                         domestic cooking market.             of DME, was “about enough to meet Suma-
                           Kusdiana said the study – launched in 2017 –  tra’s LPG needs”. The project is a joint ven-
                         had found that an 80:20 mix of LPG to DME was  ture between state-owned Pertamina, coal
                         the ideal ratio, given that while DME is less pol-  miner Bukit Asam and the US’ Air Product
                         luting than LPG it also has a lower energy con-  and Chemicals. The three sides agreed to
                         tent. DME also wears out conventional stoves  form a joint venture in January 2019.
                         and canisters faster than LPG.         Bukit Asam’s president director Arviyan Ari-
                           While Indonesia is building out its network  fin said on June 10 that front end engineering
                         of gas pipelines, the grid is still limited outside  design (FEED) work had begun on the project
                         of major metropolitan areas. More than 60% of  and that the partners aimed to begin commercial
                         the country’s villages rely on LPG for cooking  operation in 2024-2025.
                         fuel, according to Statistics Indonesia (BPS) data   Air Products announced in May this year
                         from 2018.                           that it would team up with Bakrie Capital

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