Page 17 - MEOG Week 48
P. 17

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              officials swore that Iran would properly   assailants were killed in an exchange after the
                                           revenge the death of Soleimani, but the   ambush.
       Israel out to provoke war           response has remained relatively restrained   programme is entirely peaceful, but in 2015,
                                                                                  Iran has always insisted that its nuclear
                                           with officials switching to the line that Tehran
       says Khamenei advisor               would bide its time.                 the New York Times compared Fakhrizadeh
                                             Many Iranian officials believe that Trump,
                                                                                to J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist who
       The assassination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist   working with Israel and Saudi Arabia, is   directed the Manhattan Project that during
       Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on November 27 has   determined to weaken or antagonise Iran   World War II produced the first atomic
       been described by the top military adviser to   before he hands over the American presidency  weapons. In May 2018, around the time
       the country’s supreme leader as a provocation   to Joe Biden on January 20. Biden is set to   that Trump unilaterally pulled the US out of
       by Israel designed to push Iran into war   pursue a diplomatic path in his efforts to place   the multilateral nuclear deal, Israeli Prime
       during the dying days of US President Donald   sufficient curbs on Iran’s nuclear development   Minister Benjamin Netanyahu specifically
       Trump’s administration.             programme and support for militias in various  mentioned Fakhrizadeh. “Remember that
         Following the ambushing of Fakhrizadeh’s   Middle East conflicts. Whereas Trump has   name,” Netanyahu told an audience as he
       car by gunmen, Hossein Dehghan responded:   attempted to use crushing sanctions to force   identified Fakhrizedeh as the head scientist in
       “In the last days of the political life of their   Tehran to the table, Biden has suggested that   Iran’s nuclear programme.
       gambling ally, the Zionists seek to intensify   he will remove sanctions and take Washington   Between 2010 and 2012, four Iranian
       and increase the pressure on Iran to wage a   back into the nuclear deal between Iran and   nuclear scientists were assassinated and Iran
       full-fledged war. The night is long. We will   the major powers, provided the Iranians   has always accused Israel of complicity in
       descend like lightning on the killers of this   return to full compliance with the accord. The   the killings. Security and secrecy around
       oppressed martyr.”                  Israelis and the Saudis – whom some analysts   Fakhrizadeh was stepped up following those
         As Israel and the Pentagon remained   say are just as concerned by Iran’s potential to   assassinations.
       silent on the killing, Iranian Foreign Minister   achieve economic pre-eminence in the Gulf   “If Iran ever chose to weaponise [the
       Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted: “Terrorists   as they are by its potential to eventually build   enrichment of uranium], Fakhrizadeh would
       murdered an eminent Iranian scientist today.   a nuclear weapon – are fiercely opposed to   be known as the father of the Iranian bomb,”
       This cowardice – with serious indications   Biden’s strategy and a geopolitical game may   one Western diplomat told Reuters news
       of [an] Israeli role – shows desperate   be under way to shift the pieces on the chess   agency in 2014.
       warmongering of [its]perpetrators Iran calls   board in the final eight weeks of Trump’s   Fakhrizadeh was head of the Institute of
       on [the] international community – and   presidency.                     Applied Physics, where Iran’s secret nuclear
       especially [the] EU – to end their shameful   “It’s not unlikely that this targeted killing   research is conducted, in the elite Islamic
       double standards & condemn this act of state   was part of efforts to prevent the Biden   Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). A
       terror.”                            administration from reviving diplomacy with   brigadier general in the IRGC and a professor
         President Trump retweeted a posting from   Iran and going back to the nuclear agreement,”  of physics at Imam Hussein University, he
       Israeli journalist Yossi Melman, an expert   Carl Bildt, Sweden’s former prime minister,   took charge of the predecessor to the institute
       on the Israeli Mossad intelligence service,   wrote on Twitter.          in 1988. He had never been interviewed by
       about the asssassination. Melman’s tweet   Fakhrizadeh, born in the city of Qom in   a member of the UN’s International Atomic
       called the killing a “major psychological and   1958 by some accounts, was ambushed in   Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear watchdog
       professional blow for Iran”.        the town of Absard in Damavand county,   – which with permission from Tehran still
         This year began with Trump authorising   about 40 miles east of Tehran. Four assailants   conducts regular checks on the Iranian
       the assassination-by-drone at Baghdad airport   opened fire with machine guns on the   nuclear programme – but was named in one
       of Qasem Soleimani, the major-general who   Nissan sedan in which he was travelling after   of its reports.
       was the de facto head of Iran’s armed forces   witnesses heard an explosion, according   Iran’s government congratulated
       and second most important official in the   to local reports. Efforts to resuscitate him   Fakhrizadeh on his “martyrdom”.
       Islamic Republic behind Supreme Leader   reportedly failed, while his bodyguard was   The commander of the IRGC, Major
       Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Many top Iranian   wounded. Fars news agency reported that the   General Hossein Salami, said that Iran

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