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MEOG                                             POLICY                                               MEOG

       Iran, Russia and Turkey seek

       to undermine Syrian oil deal

        SYRIA            ON  August 26, Iran, Russia and Turkey  said it “condemn[ed] in the strongest terms
                         denounced a recent deal between Syrian Dem-  the agreement signed between al-Qasd militia

                         ocratic Forces (SDF) and a US firm to develop  (SDF) and an American oil company to steal

                         oilfields in north-east Syria, reaffirming their  Syria’s oil under the sponsorship and support of
                         commitment to Syrian sovereignty.    the American administration … This agreement

                           The three countries are part of the Astana  is null and void and has no legal basis.”
                         Syrian peace talks, which do not include the US.   Turkey’s involvement in the latest statement is
                         A joint statement was released in which Tehran,  unsurprising. In early August, its Foreign Min-
                         Moscow and Ankara “expressed their opposi-  istry accused Delta Crescent of “financing ter-

                         tion to the illegal seizure and transfer of Syria’s  rorism” by entering a deal with the SDF, which
                         oil revenues […while condemning] the illegal  mostly comprises the Syrian-Kurdish militia
                         oil deal between a US licensed company and the  force YPG, which Turkey considers to be a terror
                         illegitimate entity as part of its separatist agenda.”  group because of its links to the outlawed Kurd-
                           The oil deal, which was signed in early  istan Workers’ Party (PKK).
                         August, received backing from the US, which   In a statement on August 3, Turkey’s For-
                         supports the SDF, and the signatory, Delta Cres-  eign Ministry said: “We deeply regret the US
                         cent Energy, received a sanctions waiver from  support for this step, disregarding international
                         the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign  law, violating the territorial integrity, unity and
                         Asset Control (OFAC). Senior Washington offi-  sovereignty of Syria. This act, which cannot

                         cials have confirmed that a deal was signed to  be justifi ed by any legitimate motive, is utterly
                         “modernise” oilfields under its control.  unacceptable.”

                           US Senator Lindsey Graham, a long-time   It added: “With this step, the PKK/YPG ter-
                         supporter of the Syrian Kurds, told Congress  rorist organisation has clearly demonstrated its
                         last week that he had spoken to SDF com-  ambition to advance its separatist agenda by
                         mander General Mazloum Abdi about the deal,  seizing the natural resources of the Syrian peo-
                         AFP reported. Graham told Politico: “I think  ple. Th  e natural resources of Syria belong to the
                         this company’s going to improve the viability of  Syrian people.”

                         the northern oilfields to make them more pro-  Meanwhile, various regional media outlets
                         ductive … Conceptually it makes sense that we  have said that Iran, Russia and Turkey are co-or-

                         should, instead of just writing cheques, help peo-  dinating efforts to undermine the SDF in eastern
                         ple help themselves.”                Syria through a combination of putting pressure
                           Syria’s Foreign Ministry released a statement  on US forces along the Euphrates while Turkey
                         that described the deal as illegal and said that its  cuts off  water to areas under SDF control and

                         intention was to steal Syrian crude. The ministry  Russian patrols harass US troops.™

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