Page 20 - NorthAmOil Week 02 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       MOVES                               business strategies in 2021 and beyond.”  and Blue Planet also executed a letter of intent
                                              Prior to joining Energy Transfer,   to collaborate on potential pilot projects and
       Energy Transfer announces           Whitehurst was a partner in the Washington,   commercial development in key geographies,
                                                                                with the goal of jointly advancing lower-
                                           DC office of Bingham McCutchen where
       Bradford D Whitehurst as            he specialized in partnership taxation. He   carbon opportunities.
                                           was also an attorney at Washington, DC
                                                                                  Blue Planet creates carbonate-based
       chief financial officer             law firms McKee Nelson and Hogan &   building aggregate made from flue gas-
                                                                                captured CO2. Distinct from some other
                                           Hartson. Whitehurst is a member of both
       Energy Transfer today announced that   the Washington, DC and the Virginia Bar   industrial carbon capture and utilisation
       Bradford D (Brad) Whitehurst has been   Associations and is licensed to practise law in   technologies, Blue Planet’s process does not
       named as chief financial officer effective   Washington, DC.             require CO2 purification and enrichment
       immediately. Whitehurst, age 46, brings 20   Whitehurst graduated from Duke   prior to use which can reduce cost and unit
       years of experience to the position having   University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts in   energy consumed during capture. Founded
       served most recently as executive vice   Economics and from the UNC Kenan-Flagler   in 2013, Blue Planet’s technology potentially
       president and head of tax for the Dallas-based   Business School in 1998 with a Master of   enables permanent capture of CO2 in building
       midstream company.                  Accounting degree. He received his law degree  materials at scale, converting CO2 to a lower-
         “In addition to overseeing all of Energy   in 2001 from Duke University School of Law.  carbon product for sale in the growing global
       Transfer’s taxation functions, Whitehurst has   ENERGY TRANSFER, January 11, 2021  market of aggregates.
       also been responsible for managing Energy                                  “Carbon capture, utilisation, and
       Transfer’s Information Technology and                                    storage, or CCUS, is viewed to be essential
       Business Optimization divisions since joining   ENERGY TRANSITION        to advancing progress toward the global
       the Partnership in 2014. He also serves on                               net zero ambition of the Paris Agreement,”
       Energy Transfer’s investment committee and   Chevron invests in carbon   said Barbara Burger, VP of innovation and
       is a director of USA Compression Partners.                               president of Technology Ventures at Chevron.
       Additionally, Whitehurst is a member   capture and utilisation           “This investment is made through our Future
       of the board of directors for the Energy                                 Energy Fund which focuses on start-ups with
       Infrastructure Council, having served in this   start-up                 lower-carbon technologies that can scale
       capacity since 2017.                                                     commercially, and we welcome Blue Planet to
         “We are very pleased to have Brad   Chevron today announced a Series C   this portfolio,” said Burger.
       assume the position of chief financial   investment in San Jose-based Blue Planet   “Chevron is a leader in scouting and
       officer,” said Tom Long, co-CEO of Energy   Systems, a start-up that manufactures and   identifying innovative and game-changing
       Transfer. “His expertise and strategic   develops carbonate aggregates and carbon   approaches to lower-carbon intensity,” said
       counsel have been invaluable to us, not only   capture technology intended to reduce the   Brent Constantz, founder, CEO, and chief
       as a member of our executive management   carbon intensity of industrial operations.  scientist at Blue Planet. “The investment
       team for the last six years, but as a long-  “Chevron Technology Ventures’ ongoing   may also provide future opportunities to
       time advisor to us on the significant M&A   investment in carbon capture and utilisation   incorporate Blue Planet’s approach into
       transactions that took place prior to him   technologies supports Chevron’s focus on a   Chevron’s projects.”
       joining the Partnership. We look forward to   diverse portfolio of lower-carbon solutions.   CHEVRON, January 14, 2021
       his continued leadership as we execute our   In connection with its investment, Chevron

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