Page 18 - AsianOil Week 03 2021
P. 18

AsianOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsianOil

       Image: MISC
       or sea transportation, it was assigned   voyage and during the operation, MISC   hydrogen sector,” said Jay Ibrahim, KBR
       as a distribution supply chain for the   and Eaglestar have adopted the new normal   President, Technology Solutions. “This
       transportation of Pertamina’s imported cargo   of robust safety measures and procedures   contract award aligns with KBR’s strategic
       under the FOB or Free On Board scheme.  including limited personnel onboard during   decision to provide differentiated and
         According to Erry, the ship “PERTAMINA   operation, social distancing, and minimal   sustainable solutions to our customers. As a
       PRIME” is the second vessel of the VLCC   close contact.                 premier provider of technologies, value added
       type which is prepared to support the   Seri Everest is the first from a series of six   design and project integration capability,
       security of supply for refinery feedstock   VLECs that MISC purchased in July 2020.   KBR will leverage its hydrogen and cryogenic
       run by Pertamina’s Subholding Refinery &   All the six VLECs are contracted to Zhejiang   domain expertise to support SK in this critical
       Petrochemical. The two VLCC ships each   Satellite Petrochemical Co. Ltd. (STL) for a   phase of the project.”
       have a cargo transport capacity of 324.995   long-term charter of 15 years.  For many years, KBR has been an
       m3 (95% capacity condition) or around   MISC, January 19, 2021           industry leader in energy transition, offering
       2.04 million barrels, which is a single screw                            proprietary sustainable technologies and
       driven single deck type crude oil tanker with                            professional services to clients to support
       an overall length (LOA) of 330 meters and a   EAST ASIA                  decarbonization. KBR has been actively
       depth of 29.35 meters.                                                   involved in the hydrogen value chain as
       PERTAMINA, January 19, 2021         KBR selected as technical            a technology provider, an advisor and
                                                                                provider of differentiated project delivery
       Seri Everest VLEC completes  advisor for SK hydrogen                     solutions. KBR has licensed over 260 syngas
                                                                                projects involving hydrogen production and
       first cargo loading                 Project                              has completed a large number of projects
                                                                                involving gas compression and cryogenic
       MISC’s first Very Large Ethane Carrier   KBR announced today it has been awarded   handling and storage.
       (VLEC) - Seri Everest has successfully   a contract to provide technical advisory   KBR, January 19, 2021
       completed her inaugural full cargo loading   solutions to SK E&S for its hydrogen
       which was the largest loading of ethane in   development business in South Korea. SK   Cosmo signs MOU with
       the history of ethane shipping to date. This   Group announced late last year that it would
       landmark loading was successfully completed   invest in assets that will provide hydrogen as a   ADNOC, IFAD
       on 17 January 2021. The cargo was loaded   next-generation eco-friendly energy source.
       under the expert supervision of Eaglestar,   Under the terms of the contract, KBR will   Cosmo Oil concluded Memorandum of
       the appointed shipmanager at the newly   provide technical solutions to support SK’s   Understanding with Abu Dhabi National Oil
       constructed Orbit Ethane Export Terminal in   plan to build a 30,000 metric-ton-per-annum   Company (ADNOC) and ICE Futures Abu
       Nederland, US. Seri Everest is the first second   liquefied hydrogen facility and supply liquefied   Dhabi Ltd (IFAD) on 14th January to explore
       generation VLEC to export ethane out of the   hydrogen to various metropolitan areas in South   the potential opportunity to price crude oil
       new terminal.                       Korea. The initial phase of the project includes   with reference to the new ICE Murban Crude
         Seri Everest is currently on the return   KBR reviewing key licensor technologies.  Oil Futures. Considering the long and deep
       of her maiden voyage from the US to    “We are delighted to be part of this   relationship between ADNOC and Cosmo
       Lianyungang ethylene plant located at Jiangsu   strategic project and to support SK’s   Energy Group(Cosmo), Hiroshi Kiriyama,
       province, China. Throughout her maiden   philosophy of sustainable growth in the   Representative Director, Group CEO,Cosmo

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   21•January•2021
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