Page 4 - AsianOil Week 03 2021
P. 4

AsianOil                                      ASIA-PACIFIC                                           AsianOil

       Asian LNG buyers need

       to rethink strategy

       LNG buyers should view the current price spike as a sign of the things to
       come later this decade if more liquefaction capacity does not reach FID soon

        COMMENTARY       ASIAN buyers of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are   This winters’ acute shortage has come as
                         beginning to rethink their energy strategies after  something of an early warning shot across the
                         prices soared to record highs in recent weeks.  bow for buyers and, while current prices may
       WHAT:               A mixture of supply outages and plunging  be unsustainable as temperatures rise, one
       Spot LNG prices have   northern hemisphere temperatures have sent  researcher has warned that several Asian gas-
       spiked to record highs.  the market into a frenzy, with buyers chasing  to-power and LNG import projects are at risk
                         spare cargoes to meet increased demand back  of cancellation.
       WHY:              home.
       Production outages and a   S&P Global Platts reported last week that  Strategic rethink
       surge in demand proved   the Japan-Korea-Marker (JKM) benchmark  The Institute for Energy Economics and Finan-
       to be the perfect storm.  for spot cargoes delivered in February had  cial Analysis (IEEFA) released a report on Janu-
                         reached a record high of $32.49 per mmBtu  ary 14 suggesting that more than $50bn worth of
       WHAT NEXT:        (898.67 per 1,000 cubic metres) on January 12.  such projects in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Viet-
       If importers and    While there are short-term factors driv-  nam were at risk owing to soaring spot prices in
       exporters cannot find a   ing the price spike, certain decisions made by  recent months.
       middle ground then both   buyers have also compounded the issue. For   “Asian LNG spot prices have soared to
       sides will be plagued   instance, importers throughout Asia began  a new high on the back of stronger than
       by price volatility and   some years ago to shy away from expensive  expected seasonal demand for heating as
       uncertainty in the years   long-term, oil-linked supply contracts, argu-  freezing  weather  grips  large  parts of  the
       to come.          ing that the “Asian premium” was unjusti-  northern hemisphere,” IEEFA analyst Bruce
                         fied and that it made more sense to negotiate  Robertson said in the report. “Interruptions
                         short-term contracts or buy directly from an  to supply in Malaysia, Australia and the US,
                         oversupplied spot market.            three of the world’s largest LNG exporters, and
                           Project developers, however, warned that  higher freight rates have also affected prices.”
                         without buyers signing up to long-term foun-  Robertson argued: “Higher and volatile
                         dation contracts it would be much harder to  LNG prices will make operating LNG-pow-
                         secure financing for liquefaction projects.  ered generation plants more costly and unpre-
                         This, in turn, would eventually lead to supply  dictable. This may lead to the underutilisation
                         tightness, with a mid-decade shortage widely  of LNG plants and rising gas and electricity
                         predicted.                           tariffs for customers.”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   21•January•2021
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