Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 12 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Decarbonisation in the spotlight

       for oil sands players

       Canadian oil sands producers Suncor Energy and Imperial Oil have been in the news

       in recent days for reasons related to decarbonisation

        CANADA           TWO leading Canadian oil sands producers  that of other energy companies – in Canada and
                         – Suncor Energy and Imperial Oil – are in the  elsewhere – that have adopted long-term net-
       WHAT:             news for reasons related to decarbonisation.  zero targets. Indeed, the net-zero movement has
       Suncor and Imperial have   In Suncor’s case, the company announced last  been gaining momentum, with more and more
       both been in the news   week that it was investing in Svante, a carbon  oil and gas players adopting the target over the
       recently in relation to   capture technology company, as it seeks ways to  past year especially. However, these companies
       decarbonisation.  offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from  have not determined how the net-zero goal is
                         its oil and gas operations. Imperial, for its part,  to be reached – or at least not in the long term.
       WHY:              has urged investors to vote against a shareholder  The technologies that will likely be required for
       Imperial is urging caution   proposal to set a target of net-zero emissions on  this are still at an early stage of development, and
       with regard to long-term   a company-wide basis by 2050. The vote will  still need to become cost-effective, which could
       emissions targets, while   take place at Imperial’s annual meeting in May,  take years.
       Suncor has made a new   after the motion was put forward by Aequo   Nonetheless, a growing number of com-
       investment.       Shareholder Engagement Services on behalf  panies are focusing on such targets, includ-
                         of Quebec group retirement system company  ing other leading oil sands players. Cenovus
       WHAT NEXT:        Batirente.                           Energy set a target of net-zero GHG emissions
       Carbon capture is                                      by 2050 last year, while Canadian Natural
       anticipated to play a role   Urging caution            Resources Ltd (CNRL) says net-zero emis-
       for both companies as   The Batirente proposal argues that that Imperial’s  sions from its oil sands operations is its ulti-
       they work to reduce their   current 2023 emissions reduction target is a step  mate long-term goal, but has not revealed a
       GHG emissions.    in the right direction but that it is also important  deadline for this.
                         to have a long-term strategy. Batirente’s CEO   Imperial’s current goal is to reduce GHG
                         Daniel Simard stated that all companies – and  emissions intensity by 10% by 2023 relative to
                         especially those in the energy sector – have to  2016 levels. The company says it has a portfolio
                         reduce their emissions by 2050 in line with the  of technologies at various stages of commercial-
                         targets of the Paris Agreement on mitigating cli-  isation that could be deployed to further reduce
                         mate change.                         emissions over the longer term. This includes
                           But Imperial has responded that it is “prema-  the use of solvents to produce bitumen from oil
                         ture” to set such ambitious emissions targets  sands wells with less energy and using carbon
                         before it has a concrete plan for how they are to  capture and storage (CCS) to create emission
                         be reached. As a result, the company has recom-  offsets.
                         mended voting down the proposal.      Suncor, meanwhile, is targeting a 30% reduc-
                           Imperial’s position stands in contrast with  tion in emissions intensity by 2030 compared

                                                                                                  Suncor is the latest
                                                                                                  producer to invest
                                                                                                  in Svante, a carbon
                                                                                                  capture technology

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