Page 6 - MEOG Week 03 2021
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELIENS & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       East Med players to build

       gas pipeline for Egypt flows

        ISRAEL           FIRMS developing Israel’s Leviathan and Tamar   Noble said it intends to use the line to fulfil
                         gas fields have announced that they will con-  existing gas contracts with flows from Leviathan
                         struct a pipeline that will allow for direct gas  and Tamar to Egypt.
                         exports from the assets to Egypt.      The Ashdod to Ashkelon link will cost around
                           In a statement, Israel’s Delek Drilling said  $228mn and the expansion work another $7mn.
                         that the partners would spend around $235mn  The upstream partners will cover around 56%
                         to lay the new conduit while expanding existing  of the new pipeline and will provide guarantees
                         infrastructure.                      for the funding taken out by INGL to cover the
                           Delek CEO Yossi Abu said: “The fact that we  balance.
                         are paying most of the costs involved in build-  The new line will allow the producers to
                         ing the new pipeline reflects the security and the  maintain a base capacity of 5bn cubic metres per
                         confidence we have in continuing to increase  year of supply to Egypt following the signing of
                         exports to the countries of the region.” Under the  an eight-year supply deal with gas flows to kick
                         terms of the deal, national transmission operator  off in mid-2022 and early 2023. The upper limit
                         Israel Natural Gas Lines (INGL) will construct  will be 7bcm per year.
                         the new pipe from Ashdod to the terminal of   Egypt intends to export this gas as well as that
                         the East Med Gas (EMG) pipeline in Ashkelon  produced from the giant Zohr field, which lies
                         “for the purpose of export to Egypt” following  in its own segment of the East Mediterranean.
                         an agreement set out in May 2019.
                           The shareholders in the Leviathan project  Delek spin-off
                         are; Delek (45.34%), Chevron (39.66%) and  Meanwhile, Delek is planning to launch a
                         Ratio Oil Exploration (15%) while the Tamar  NewCo on the London stock exchange to which
                         shareholders are; Isramco Negev 2 (28.75%),  it will transfer all of its assets aside from its stake
                         Chevron (25%), Delek (22%), Tamar Petroleum  in Tamar, which it must divest in order to comply
                         (16.75%), Dor Gas Exploration (4%) and Everest  with Israeli anti-monopoly legislation.
                         Infrastructures (3.5%).                The NewCo will include the Leviathan and
                           Chevron acquired its stakes following the  EMG pipeline stakes as well as 30% in Cyprus’
                         2020 acquisition of fellow US firm Noble Energy  3.5tcf (10bcm) Aphrodite gas field and the
                         for around $5bn.                     onshore Israeli New Ofek and New Yahel
                           Around a year earlier, the EMED consortium  licences. It will also receive royalties from the
                         comprising Delek (25%), Noble (now Chevron,  Karish and Tanin fields, which were sold to fel-
                         25%) and the East Gas Co. (50%), completed a  low London-listed Energean in 2016.
                         deal to acquire a 39% stake in EMG, the owner   Speaking in December, Abu said that moving
                         of the EMG pipeline, for $185mn.     these assets to a NewCo would mean that poten-
                           The 90-km conduit connects the gas net-  tial buyers of the Tamar stake would have the
                         works of Israel and Egypt, and had been used  option to buy the 22% outright or to acquire the
                         in a controversial and opaque three-way deal  ‘Delek Tamar’ company, with the latter provid-
                         that saw Egyptian gas supplied to Israel, but the  ing a “more liquid opportunity and a transaction
                         facility suffered repeated attacks in the wake of  that can be done easily”.
                         the 2011 revolution and the deal was unilater-  The company has set up a data room and has
                         ally terminated by Cairo the following year as a  several parties involved in the farm-out process
                         domestic shortage loomed.            with a deal anticipated during Q1.™

                                                                                                  Source: Delek Drilling

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