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Kazakhstan   and   Kyrgyzstan   have   placed   the   prospects   of   such   cooperation   in question.   Turkmen   President   Gurbanguly   Berdimuhamedov   said   the   new facility   is   also   “important   in   the   context   of   reviving   the   Great   Silk   Road”, referring   to   China’s   One   Belt,   One   Road   initiative   which   seeks   to   turn   Central Asia   into   a   transit   zone   with   modern   infrastructure   for   Chinese   goods   export.
9.1.4    TMT   sector   news
The   Russian-made   mobile   ride-hailing   application   Maxim   has   been quietly   launched   in   Iran   according   to   a   social   media   post   that   appeared on   October   8.    The   application,   which   runs   on   both   iOS   and   Android,   was previously   only   available   in   countries   of   the   Commonwealth   of   Independent States   (CIS).   No   mention   of   the   launch   has   appeared   on   the   Maxim   website but   Iran   is   listed   as   a   country   with   the   service.   Iran’s   leading   domestically developer   ride-hailing   application,   Snapp,   has   received   more   than   $20mn   in direct   investment   over   recent   years,   with   substantial   funds   flowing   from   South Africa.   The   second   biggest   such   application,   Tap30,   has   received   significant funding   from   European   sources.   The   Maxim   application   is   available   in   Russia, Ukraine,   Georgia,   Kazakhstan,   Bulgaria,   Tajikistan,   Azerbaijan   and   the   North Caucasus.   There   are   27mn   registered   cars   in   Iran.   The   number   of   vehicles registered   as   taxis   numbers   around   80,000.   Included   in   the   figure   are   private taxis   and   “shared   taxis”   -   price   controlled   rides   called   “savaris”.   Despite   the official   figures,   it   is   thought   that,   including   unofficial   cabs,   there   are   over 200,000   taxis   available   on   any   given   day   in   Tehran.   Many   city   inhabitants   hail for   any   car   that   is   prepared   to   stop   for   them.
9.1.5    Retail   sector   news
Iranian   Deputy   Minister   for   Communications   and   Information   Technology Hossein   Mehri   has   criticised   application-based   courier   services   for dealing   with   bootleg   alcohol,   Iran   Labour   News   Agency   reported   on October   23.    Alcohol   consumption   and   sales   have   been   illegal   in majority-Muslim   Iran   since   the   1979   Islamic   Revolution,   with   exceptions   to   the law   granted   to   Christians,   Jews   and   Zoroastrians,   who   are   allowed   to   produce and   consume   locally   made   liquor.   According   to   Mehri,   several   app-based courier   services   are   being   used   by   illicit   alcohol   and   drug   dealers   to   send   items to   consumers   disguised   as   other   products.   He   said   the   services   went   mostly unchecked   by   the   authorities   and   many   of   the   motorbike   delivery   drivers   are not   registered   with   the   national   courier   association,   making   the   situation   worse. Mehri   further   noted   that   many   of   the   applications   utilised   are   not   licensed   and are   in   fact   illegal   according   to   current   registration   requirements.   In   recent years,   alcohol   consumption   and   alcoholism   rates   have   skyrocketed   in   Iran along   with   the   consumption   of   drugs   of   all   classes.   Foreign-produced   alcohol   is often   smuggled   in   from   neighbouring   countries,   with   the   most   common   source being   Iraqi   Kurdistan.
9.1.6    Health   Care   sector   news
The   UK's   International   Hospitals   Group   (IHG)   has   signed   a   memorandum of   understanding   on   a   €1.8bn   deal   to   build   several   cancer   research hospitals   in   Iran,   according   to   Tasnim   News   Agency.    The   signing reportedly   took   place   in   the   Iranian   Embassy   in   London   on   October   23   with   the participation   of   representatives   of   Iran’s   Ministry   of   Health   and   Education.   The
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