Page 193 - Batson Master Catalog Updated 01-17-2023
P. 193

CORROSION RESISTANCE                                                        KEY GUIDE FEATURES

            ASTM-B117 CORROSION TESTING:                                            ALPS:
              ASTM  B117  is  an  American  standard  that  provides  a               •   All ALPS guides feature titanium or SS316 substrate.
            controlled accelerated corrosive environment to evaluate                  •   All  ALPS  guides  feature  feet  that  are  pre-ground  before  plating  for  easier
            the  coatings  or  substrates  corrosive  resistance.  Any                   wrapping and better corrosion resistance.
            product/material  that  is  exposed  to  the  elements  must              •   Many ALPS models feature the exclusive recessed ring design (RRD).
            be  able  to  withstand  corrosion.  ASTM  B117  or  salt  spray          •   ALPS guide frames go through a proprietary tumbling process to assure a
            tests  take  these  products/materials  and  exposes  them                   smooth, flawless finish. This proprietary process also enhances the plating
            to  controlled  conditions  to  measure  these  corrosive                    quality by improving the bond between the plating and the frame surface.
            properties. It is commonly used by the military and other  FORECAST GUIDE: D.B.C.   •   All frames have passed the ASTM-B117 salt spray corrosion test.
            industries to test saltwater corrosion resistance.  Double Black Chrome Same
                                                              test, extremely different results.  •   All  ALPS  guide  rings  are  carefully  ground  on  the  outside  edge  for  perfect
                                                                                         concentricity. This enhances ceramic ring to guide frame fit. This tighter fit
            ALPS TITANIUM: is 100% corrosion proof in this test                          makes the guides more durable and provides a more even gluing surface,
                                                                                         which helps prevent the rings from popping out of the frame.
            ALPS  SS316:  has  been  tested  corrosion  free  for  1200               •   All  ALPS  guide  rings  are  carefully  fused  on  each  side  of  the  frame  with  a
            straight hrs. That is 50 days w/o corrosion. That’s 150, 8 hr.               proprietary  bonding  agent  for  superb  adhesion  of  the  guide  ring  to  guide
            fishing days. We suspended the test at that point. This is                   frame.
            remarkable performance. Alps was the first user of SS316
            for guides in the industry.
            FORECAST SS304: We ran the test for 20 straight days w/o                  •   All ForeCast guide frames feature SS316 or SS304 stainless steel frames.
            any issues. 480 hrs., or the equivalent of 60, 8 hr. fishing   COMPETITOR’S GUIDE:   •   All ForeCast guides feature feet that are pre-ground and then plated for easier
                                                              Black Plating. Corosion clearly   wrapping and better corrosion resistance.
            days. These are the finest economy guides on the market  visible on guide frame
            today.                                                                    •   All ForeCast guide rings are carefully ground on the outside edge for perfect
                                                                                         concentricity. This enhances ceramic ring to guide frame fit. This tighter fit
                                                                                         makes the guides more durable and provides a more even gluing surface,
              UNDERSTANDING THE PART NUMBERS                                          •   which helps prevent the rings from popping out of the frame.
                                                                                         All frames have passed the ASTM-B117 salt spray corrosion test.
                                                                                      •   ForeCast guide frames go through a proprietary tumbling process to assure
                   X P F L G10                     T I H X N Z G25                       a smooth, flawless finish. This proprietary process also enhances the plating
                                                                                         quality by improving the bond between the plating and the frame surface.
                                                                                      •   All ForeCast guide rings are carefully fused on each side of the frame with
                                                                                         a proprietary bonding agent for superb adhesion of the guide ring to guide

                       — Pressed Ring
                   — Frame (SS316)
                                                   — Frame (Titanium)
                                   — Ring Size (10mm)
                                                                          — Ring Size (25mm)
                                                            — Frame Style (HXN)
                                — Product Type (Guide)
                                                                      — Product Type (Guide)
                          — Framestyle (F-Guide)
                                                                   — Ring Material (Zirconium)

                            — Ring Material (L=Hard Aluminum Oxide)

     192         Ring Guide: A,C,U,N= Zirconium(PVD Plated) • Z=Zirconium • L=Hard Aluminum Oxide  • B=Carbide    /   Color Guide: A=Chameleon • B=Black • U=Blue • CG=Charcoal Gray • HC= Chrome • LTC=Light Titanium Chrome • N=Gold • S=Silver • SG=Shiny Gun Smoke • Ti=Titanium • TC=Titanium Chrome
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