Page 2 - Jan newsletter
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Featuring none other than  Amber Lights’   own...John Bates
             John Bates is one of the first people I met when I first   John’s typical week goes like this:
             came here. He has always impressed me with his
             desire to be active and never miss a party or an    Monday: Lunch,11:00 ; Zumba at noon, Senior Center
             opportunity to do something outside his apartment.    Tuesday: Lunch 12:00, Sr, Ctr.  Line Dancing at Veteran’s
             He even picked out the beautiful Christmas tree in the         Center at 2:30
             Clubhouse.                                         Wednesday: Lunch and Movie at noon, Sr. Ctr.  Movie at
             To this, I am going to follow him around for a week to         Amber Clubhouse, 6:30
                                                                Thursday: Ukulele lessons 10-11:00, Lunch 11:00, .
             see what exactly he does.  Here is a week in the         Zumba 12:30  all at the Sr. Ctr.
             life of john Bates in photos.
                                                                Friday:   Zumba in the Park at 11:00
                                                                Saturday:  Coloring in the Clubhouse, 6:30 PM.
                                                                      Every Evening
                                                                Sunday:  Movie night in the Clubhouse, 6:30 PM

                                                                When I am working on setting  up for the movies or for the
                                                                past concerts, John works with me beginning to end. He
                                                                understands the benefits of being active.

                                                                —John Griswold,
                 Movies at Amber, Sunday & Wednesday

                 Zumba at the Park                                      Ukulele Lessons at the Senior Center

                 Line Dancing at the Veterans Center                 Monthly Coloring Contest at the Clubhouse
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