Page 202 - yearbook to print
P. 202
alex safar
Choueifat has been fourteen years of my life I’ll never forget.
I can’t believe how fast time flies and that I’m finally graduat-
ing. I couldn’t have done it without my family and friends, and
I couldn’t be more proud and grateful. I hope to apply every-
thing I’ve learned to what comes next.
Senior Year
“Knowledge is power.”
ali alnuaimi
I’ve had a lot of fun experiences in my fourteen years in this
school. I still remember getting detention for dropping a
pencil. The school has helped us deal with serious situa-
tions, so that we may learn to face anything in the future. I
would like to thank all the teachers who truly helped and
invested in us.
Getting stressed out over the amount of exams we have per week; the caf-
eteria food, which was both healthy and tasty; Mr. Nabil’s incredibly useful Sleeping
class, where I understood everything he said.
Playing games all day
Aerospave Eng
Senior profiles.indd 10 6/12/2018 1:00:32 PM