Page 18 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 18

The Discipline Department is one of the most crucial and vital features of the Student
              Life Organization. This department ensures that students behave respectably, both inside

              and outside of the school. The discipline department is divided into smaller sub-depart-

              ments, each with specific prefects assigned to them to ensure a well-rounded and disci-

              plined environment in our school. The department also has sub-departments where we

              raise awareness about discipline-related causes to allow US to give students a greater

              understanding of the discipline department, for example, we had a “Stomp Out Bullying”

              event and it was a great success where many students participated and learned more

              about anti-bullying. It was an honour for me to be the head of the discipline department

              as I got to interact with many great people, and it helped in teaching me more about

              ensuring/inspiring discipline.

                                                                                          Ameera Hamdan
                                                                                  Head of Discipline Department
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