Page 199 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 199
Name: Kevin Rajapaksa
(i.e. )
Date of birth:
Favorite quote:
Name: Kimweli Kituo Kimweli Lincoln
(i.e. Kimi,kim-ali,kim-kobe )
Date of birth: 09/06/98
Hobbies: Choreographing, Ball, Football and
Running, Table Tennis
Major: Environmental Engineer
Favorite quote: “I can stand above all and say
in Him I move and in Him I have my being
for I know who I am.”
Well, my time is running out before this chapter
finally closes in my life. I must admit that this is
one part of life that you will reflect on for the
rest of your days, because you'll never find an experience
like this again. I have built and solidified my
character during my time here and it has been a
pleasure. The staff in this school has done their best
so that I may say that I've enjoyed myself here for
these 10 years. There is one person I give the biggest
commandment to for being with me throughout my
life, and till the end of time: my dear friend The
Holy Spirit. He has helped guide, strengthen,
intercede, advise, and advocate me to be where
I am today through my loved ones, and I plan to take
all the knowledge that I have acquired to make a
difference in a changing world.