Page 207 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 207

Name: Mashriq Noor
                                              (i.e. Mash, Mashreq Bank, Noor Bank, Mush-
                                              room, Marshmallow, Masherman9216,
                                              Marcus, Mashi, Mushy, Mashed Potatoes,
                                              Shrek, Mr.2310, Mish Mish, Modhesh.)
                                              Date of birth: 09/06/1998
                                              Hobbies: Playing guitar, raising peacocks, and
                                              trying to motivate myself to do my work.
                                              (usually all 3 at the same time, simultane-
                                              ously failing them)
                                              Major: Aerospace Engineering
                                              Favorite quote: “Getting 2300+ in SAT will
                                              get you all the girls.” – Hashmat Khan

                                              Try to get the most out of what you have. During
                                              the past year, I taught myself how to play guitar
                                              and I’ve played a little of this and that here and
                                              there. What bothered me about the whole
                                              experience was that people kept coming up to me
                                              saying that they have instruments at home but
                                              they never bothered to learn how to play them.
                                              Seriously, don’t acknowledge something like that if
                                              you’re not going to do something about. If you
                                              have something at home that you could learn to
                                              use/play, DO IT. Pick up that 6-string slapstick or
                                              whatever musical instrument you have and start
                                              smacking away at it until it produces
                                              something that sounds like music.

     Name: Maya Awada
     Date of birth: 28/12/1998
     Hobbies: Basketball
     Major: Business
     Favorite quote: "Never give up."

     Fourteen years and I’VE MADE IT. I've been through
     so much at this school and I'm finally done. It's been
     so long and now I'm graduating I can't believe it.
     What's next?
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