P. 13


       Tracia J, your magazine is now in Book-A-Million
       Stores and on Newsstands Nationwide, how does this
       make you feel? It is so surreal! It is unbelievable that I met
       the pioneer in the magazine industry for African American
       publications, Mr. John Blassingame. He asked to keep a copy
       and within a week of returning home, he contacted us, stating
       that the magazine of excellent and refreshing, he went on to
       say that his distributors where interested and he offered us a
       national distribution deal. Within six months we were on store
       shelves in Books-A-Million and on newsstands. When I walked
       into my local store in Fultondale, AL, I was thrilled, I had a smile
       on my face from ear to ear. It was real, it was so exciting!! I took
       photos and video and started calling everybody and posting the
       historic news. It’s amazing to have people recognize me from
       seeing me on the cover. While visiting Nashville, TN, as I was
       getting my nails done, the Nail Tech said that she saw me on
       the cover of a magazine at Books-A-Million in the local mall. I
       am very grateful to God who has blessed me to accomplish
       this, I appreciate all who helped make this dream come true
       and all those who support me by purchasing my magazine and
       hair care products. My hair care products and magazine are
       also available on, with the most savings found on

       How does it feel to share the cover with the esteemed
       Bronner Brothers? It is, truly, an honor to stand beside
       members of this legendary family, now, an international
       conglomerate.  They are the pillars of the industry and the
       shoulders that I, and all who have come after them, stand on in
       world of hair care. When I heard that they were coming to shoot
       the cover with me, I was taken back and overwhelmed with joy.
       My great grandmother had a salon, attended their trade shows
       and now that I am in the hair care industry, I attend as well.
       They embody all that I am doing with my hair care line and
       international magazine. This magazine edition is dedicated to
       the history and the second generation who now propels the
       company into the 21 century and beyond.

       What are you working on, now? I am, currently, filming a
       new reality TV shows, “Fashionaires of Atlanta” (and New
       York), which is now on Directv and all social media platforms,
       watch anywhere on Sundays at 7pm on YouTube. The show
       follows fashion industry professional as we build our brands
       while dealing with drama that reality tv brings. I am also filming,
       “Real Talk,” to be released this year, as well as other projects. I
       am continuing to expand my brand as I prepare to launch into
       more stores and then Internationally. Also, I am working in the
       community to give back by participating in back to school
       events, feeding the homeless and my annual toy drive. I am
       also preparing for the next Bronner Brother’s show and working
       on campaigns surrounding the magazine and the tv show
       Thank you to my team and all who support me and my brand!

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