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For Bernard Bronner, success did not come easy. Bernard Bronner,
second generation President and CEO of Bronner Bros., Inc., learned
the rules of success and achievement from his late father, Nathaniel
Bronner, Sr.
Mr. Bronner’s preparation for running the 66-year-old hair care
company began at age six with his own paper route. He later joined
the family business as stock boy, quickly ascending the ranks to
cashier, beauty salesman, accountant and Vice-president of marketing
for the company.
In 1993, Mr. Bronner was named President and CEO of Bronner Bros.
Under Mr. Bronner’s direction, Bronner Bros. has built on the legacy
established by his late father by developing new brands and
establishing itself as Georgia’s largest African American, Christian-
based company. Mr. Bronner continues to keep his father’s vision
alive by expanding his holdings and developing even more business
In 1989, he undertook his greatest business challenge and started
UPSCALE Magazine. Today, UPSCALE’s popularity continues to grow
in leaps and bounds. UPSCALE is the ultimate lifestyle magazine
bringing readers the very best of black culture from arts and
entertainment to beauty, fashion, news and views. With nationwide
circulation, it has remained loyal to its readers’ every-changing
In 1995, Mr. Bronner started Bronner Bros. Real Estate Division, acquiring a building with over 150 offices, which is Bronner
Bros.’ headquarters and houses UPSCALE’s marketing and advertising executive staff. Mr. Bronner is endowed with a keen
business sense – moving the company to another level with his unyielding energy and focused mind.
One of his ventures, Rainforest Films, launched the independent theatrical release of the 2000 smash hit, TROIS, which
became one of the highest-grossing African American independent films of all time. Rainforest follows all projects from
concept to production to promotion, ensuring success and satisfaction in every product. Rainforest’s successful films,
Gospel and Stomp the Yard received outstanding reviews and were box-office hits.
Despite all that he has achieved, Mr. Bronner gives credit for everything Bronner Bros. is today to his father, Nathaniel H.
Bronner, Sr. Mr. Bronner says his father’s basic philosophy dictated that family members place “God first, family second,
business third and everything else after that.” He says, his father also emphasized the importance of hard work, honesty,
moderation, thriftiness and selective association.
Mr. Bronner is a graduate of Georgia State University with a degree in Business Administration. He has been married to
Sheila Bronner, editor-in-chief of UPSCALE Magazine for 29 years and they have five children.
His was featured in Session 6 of the 24HourMBA “Distribution of Products and Choosing A Location for Services”. Mr.
Bronner is a distribution guru. He has had massive success with distributing his products because of the four p’s: product,
place, product and price. All four have to be great. Not only did Mr. Bronner distribute his group’s records when he was in
the music industry but he has distributed his hair products, magazine and movies to major chains. With over 30 years of
experience in distribution covering a wide range of products, he presents to you practical real world experience.
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