Page 8 - In The Year 2021 - 22-11-20
P. 8

With a result fraudulently bought by his bum chum Aaron Banks this lowlife piece of shit criticizes “Scotch
        Nationalism” as decisive   Are You Yes Yet?

        31/01/20. Don’t hold your Doctors or Nurses available to resuscitate you

        05/02/20. Alex Salmon, an big SNP fish , was on a trip up North canvassing for SNP. He spent the night in the
        pub and was making his way back to the hotel when he noticed this beautiful young girl at the side of the road
        in a wheelchair. He said "Hi are you ok?" she said "yes but would you do me a big favour please?" He said "yes
        of course...what is it?" she said "would you mind pushing me back to my cottage? It's just the other side of the
        woods" "Of course " He said and they headed off into the woods. It was a lovely moonlit night and when they
        reached a clearing in the woods she asked Alex to stop. "would you do me another very big favour please?"
        she said. "Of course I will...what is it?" "Will you dance with?" me she said. "But you are in a wheelchair?"
        .Alex  said....."yes,  but  I'll  sing  and  you  just  spin  me  round  and  round"  ......She  started  singing  Flower  of
        Scotland and Alex swung her round and round with her short mini kilt blowing in the evening breeze......"that
        was fantastic.....would you do me one last favour please?" ....."Of course...what is it?" said Alex....."will you
        make  love  to  me?"......"But  you  are in a  wheelchair?"  Alex  said......"Yes  but  there  is  a big  nail in  that  tree
        behind us and if you lift me up you can hook the belt on my kilt on the nail and make love to me" .....Alex
        thought long and hard but finally lifted her from her chair and hung her on the nail and made love to her.
        "Thank you so much" she said and they headed for her cottage. As they approached up the path the front
        door swung open and there stood a huge bearded Scotsman ......"Did you just wheel my daughter back home
        through the woods?" he growled......Alex gulped and said "Yes I did Sir" ......"well thank you and please come
        in for a Dram" .....Alex nervously went inside and they sat and shared a bottle of Scotch. "Ah can’t thank you
        enough Alex you are a true caring passionate Scotsman..... .that Cunt Boris Johnson jist left her hinging on the
        nail"......               .

                                  ARE YOU YES YET?
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