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Table of Content

               MESSAGE OF YAB PRIME MINISTER                                                                     9

               MESSAGE OF YB MINISTER IN THE PRIME MINISTER DEPARTMENT                                          11

               MESSAGE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF JAKIM                                                         13

               THE FOUNDATIONS OF STATE ADMINISTRATION                                                          16
                  1.  Islam as the Religion of the Federation ..........................................................................................17
                  2.  Oath of Yang di-Pertuan Agong .....................................................................................................19
                  3.  Rukun Negara (National Principles) ..............................................................................................21
                  4.  The Great Idea of Islamic Administration in Malaysia .................................................................25

               BACKGROUND                                                                                       27
                  1.  Islam as the Religion of the Federation ..........................................................................................29
                  2.  The Inculcation of Good Values in the Administration of the Country ........................................31

               MAQASID SHARIAH: UNIVERSAL • INCLUSIVE • PROGRESSIVE                                             47
                  1.  Maqasid Shariah: The Basis of the Wellbeing of People and Country ..........................................49
                  2.  The Importance of Maqasid Shariah in State Governance ...........................................................53
                  3.  The Three (3) Foundations of Maqasid Shariah ............................................................................57
                  4.  The Three (3) Categories of Maslahah (Benefits) ...........................................................................59
                  5.  The Application of the Five (5) Principles of Maqasid Shariah in State Governance ..................62
                  6.  Examples for the Application of Maqasid Shariah in National Policies .......................................73
                  7.  A Universal Model of Maqasid Shariah .........................................................................................83
                  8.  The ‘Management by Maqasid Shariah’ Model (MBMS) ..............................................................85
                  9.  Maqasid Shariah Model vs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ...........................................87
                  10.  Maqasid Shariah Model: A Duty Of Care .....................................................................................89

                                                                                                  Maqasid Shariah Profile  5
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