Page 26 - 35233-2018-EDS AUCTION program.indd
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27 Stay and Play Getaway
You won’t want to pass this one up! A limo ride to
Coushatta Casino Resort, dinner for two at Big Sky
Steakhouse, one night at Seven Clans Hotel, golf for two
at Koasati Pines Golf Course, a tour of the Coushatta Tribe
Headquarters given by Tribal Chairman, David Sickey.
Donated by: Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana
28 Youth Holiday Specklebelly Goose
Fathers or Grandfathers, round up your young ones for an
exciting wild goose chase during the holidays! This is a
great opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors of Southwest
Louisiana with the next generation. Enjoy breakfast in
the blind as you all hunt for geese in Thornwell, LA. Hunt
for 3 or 4 persons (depending on ages) provided by Bart
Yakupzack and his black lab, Dat. Forty-minute drive from
Lake Charles. Drive in on the morning of the hunt. Hunt to
be taken on a mutually agreeable date during the season.
Donated by: Bart Yakupzack and his black lab, Dat
29 Let’s Sneak Out
Ms. Amelia Yakupzack will surprise you and three friends
one afternoon with lunch and a movie. This will be a
surprise, so please don’t spill the beans! Open to students in
2nd-8th grade only.
Donated by: Amelia Yakupzack
30 Principal for A Day
Now is your chance to run EDS for one day! You can
proclaim a free casual clothes day for all! Or how about
a no-socks day? Your friends will adore you and your
proclamation of junk food allowed in school. The winner of
this bid-also gets to spend the day with Rev. Boo Kay on a
mutually agreed upon date, including going on a “business
lunch” with her and two of your friends.
Donated by: The Rev. Frances “Boo” Kay