Page 2 - The Argyll Standard - February 2020
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We interviewed Jean-Michel on his background, The Argyll Club, what he’s looking forward
to as CEO, our values and more!
What are your first impressions of the What are you looking forward to the
business? most as CEO of The Argyll Club?
First, I’d like to say a big thank you I’m excited to take The Argyll Club and
to everyone for giving me such a warm the team to its next phase of growth,
welcome to The Argyll Club! In the short working alongside colleagues to ensure that
amount of time I have been here I have been the club is recognised as the premium office
struck by the loyalty and the passion of the space provider in London, offering not only
team towards the club and its members. I amazing addresses but also exceptional
welcome the fact that we have years and customer service.
years of experience in the company and I
look forward to pursuing The Argyll Club Which of our values do you most resonate
journey together. I want to congratulate the with and why?
winners and the nominees for the Academy I resonate highly with all five key values:
Awards 2020; I was sorry not to be able to elegance in behaviour towards each other
attend what I hear was a fantastic night of but also to our customers, flexibility which
celebrations and praise. is vital in service led activity, tenacity to find
What is your background, and how did core strength to overcome and overturn
you come to your role at The Argyll Club? bumps in the road, and trust which is a basic
value in business, people management and
I have spent the last 32 years in the leadership.
hospitality and service industry, after
completing a master’s degree in hospitality How do you spend your spare time?
management. After graduating I worked In my spare time I try to exercise where
for Hyatt International for 10 years. The I can, but I also like to bake! Hopefully the
job took me to five different countries: two cancel each other out. I enjoy reading
Australia, Yugoslavia, Morocco, France and and travelling; my ideal weekend combines
Israel. After so much travel I was ready to all of this.
settle in London and I decided to focus my
career on high-street brands. I proceeded to
work for Liberty, Conran Restaurants, and
ended up setting up Paul Bakery, where
I remained as CEO for over seven years.
The opportunity here at The Argyll Club
provides an opportunity for me to combine
my experience running international hotels
in a multi-side branding environment with
premium customer service and operational