Page 2 - The Argyll Standard - September 2019
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Welcome to our new look Standard, relaunched and restyled in keeping with our exciting
brand relaunch delivered to the world on 5th September.
This new edition of the Standard showcases And the more we are successful, the more
the considerable amount of work that has we can invest for the long term benefit of our
been undertaken in the last couple of months business.
to get us to the start of our journey as The
Argyll Club. We use the word ‘journey’ a lot; So, please enjoy the read that celebrates
because we are aiming to change for the the best of what we have been doing over
better, for you, for our members and for all the last couple of months and our exciting
stakeholders – and this takes time. plans for what’s coming up. It has been
a pleasure being part of a great team to
We are also working hard to listen to you, achieve this excellent start and we look
our hugely valuable team in this process of forward to building on this spirit to achieve
change. We believe in the principle that a our ambition of being London’s leading
happy team + happy members will = improved premium workspace and business club.
retention and profitability for our business.
The Exec Team