Page 100 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 100
International Conference.
I`m really looking forward to presenting these results, as some of them are truly amazing.
It is really important to emphasize that I SEE the child behind "the scenes, the mask", the child who is sitting in front of me, shut down, not nice, so aggressive...
It is nearly always a beautiful, sensitive, clever, creative and very scared child who has been through lots as well as many different stages of trying to be understood.
When I see a child for the frst time, I always see that scary hidden little child or teenager. They often feel that they are not understood, and therefore are using the tools he or she knows. That may be violence, aggression and bad behaviour.
It can also be the opposite, a child who has withdrawn within and doesn`t want to reach out.
One thing they all have in common is that they are vulnerable and sensitive children, who have lost the feeling of being understood and being a valuable part of the people around them. They have the belief of NOT being good enough or being accepted for who they are.
Therefore, they have closed their heart to themselves and to anyone around them. That is a secure way of not being hurt again in any circumstances. It takes time, trust and belief in themselves to re-open their heart and let their true self shine and show the world who they really are.
In Norway, there is a lot of questioning these days about diagnosing children as ADHD.
I know from my clinical work that many of these children don`t have this diagnosis at all. These children need special care and need to be seen for who they are. These are sensitive and vulnerable children. Children with so many beautiful gifts and talents and instead of hiding these gifts and talents, they need to be shared.
Just by colour-and frequency treatment for 12 treatments and a follow up once a month for one year, I so often see these children's eyes sparkle again. This is beautiful to see, especially after they have been depressed and sad for months or years.
I feel so deeply blessed to be able to do this kind of work in the name of Light.
Further information: Anne Kaas Iversen. AKI Akupunktur og Traumeklinikk.